QEMU/KVM GPU Passthrough Setup Windows Guest for RDP: Difference between revisions

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Spas (talk | contribs)
m Стадий: 3 [Фаза:Разработване, Статус:Разутвърден]; Категория:Virtual Machines
Spas (talk | contribs)
m Text replacement - "mlw-continue" to "code-continue"
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<noinclude>{{ContentArticleHeader/Virtual Machines|toc=off}}{{ContentArticleHeader/Proxmox}}</noinclude>
<noinclude>{{ContentArticleHeader/Virtual Machines|toc=off}}{{ContentArticleHeader/Proxmox}}</noinclude>

'''''Note:''' All following steps are performed at Windows 11/10 guest's side.''
All following steps are performed at Windows 11/10 guest's side. The examples below are give for '''NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm''', attached to my home lab server, but they are applicable for other models and brands video cards. NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm is headless and the main idea of this guide is to use it as default video card within remote desktop sessions.
== Required Software ==
== Required Software ==
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<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="cmd-prompt">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="cmd-prompt">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="mlw-line-height-1em">
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Mon Mar 14 23:39:33 2022
Mon Mar 14 23:39:33 2022
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To perform this step - first run <code>GPU-Z</code>, navigate to the <code>Advanced</code> tab and copy the value of the entry <code>Registry Path</code> (for the discussed GPU). Then run <code>regedit.msc</code> - find it by the search option within the start menu. In the command line of the Registry Editor (which is located at the top bar) type <code>Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\</code> and then paste the registry path copied from GPU-Z and press Enter. Here is how the Registry Path looks in my case.
To perform this step - first run <code>GPU-Z</code>, navigate to the <code>Advanced</code> tab and copy the value of the entry <code>Registry Path</code> (for the discussed GPU). Then run <code>regedit.msc</code> - find it by the search option within the start menu. In the command line of the Registry Editor (which is located at the top bar) type <code>Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\</code> and then paste the registry path copied from GPU-Z and press Enter. Here is how the Registry Path looks in my case.

<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="cmd-prompt mlw-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="cmd-prompt code-continue">
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| label = f
| label = f
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Local Computer Policy
Local Computer Policy
  + Computer Configuration
  + Computer Configuration
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"Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions": "ENABLE"
"Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions": "ENABLE"
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="cmd-prompt mlw-continue" line="1">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="cmd-prompt code-continue" line="1">
gpupdate /force  # to apply the changes or reboot the system
gpupdate /force  # to apply the changes or reboot the system
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nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0
nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="mlw-line-height-1em mlw-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="shrink-line-height code-continue">
==============NVSMI LOG==============
==============NVSMI LOG==============

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  | Прндл1 = Proxmox
  | Прндл1 = Proxmox
  | Пдрдб1 = QEMU/KVM
  | Пдрдб1 = QEMU/KVM
  | Стадий = 3
  | Стадий = 6
  | Фаза  = Разработване
  | Фаза  = Утвърждаване
  | Статус = Разутвърден
  | Статус = Утвърден
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | РзбПт  = {{REVISIONUSER}}
  | РзбПт  = Spas
  | АвтПт  = Spas
  | АвтПт  = Spas
  | УтвПт  = Spas
  | УтвПт  = {{REVISIONUSER}}
  | ИдтДт  = 4.07.2022
  | ИдтДт  = 4.07.2022
  | РзбДт  = {{Today}}
  | РзбДт  = 1.09.2022
  | АвтДт  = 4.07.2022
  | АвтДт  = 1.09.2022
  | УтвДт  = 4.07.2022
  | УтвДт  = {{Today}}
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27496|27496]]
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27496|27496]]
  | РзбРв  = {{REVISIONID}}
  | РзбРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30950|30950]]
  | АвтРв  =  
  | АвтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30953|30953]]
  | РзАРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27502|27502]]
  | РзАРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27502|27502]]
  | УтвРв  =  
  | УтвРв  = {{REVISIONID}}
  | РзУРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27517|27517]]
  | РзУРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27517|27517]]

Latest revision as of 07:28, 26 September 2022

All fol­low­ing steps are per­formed at Win­dows 11/10 guest's side. The ex­am­ples be­low are give for NVIDIA Tes­la K20Xm, at­tached to my home lab serv­er, but they are ap­plic­a­ble for oth­er mod­els and brands video cards. NVIDIA Tes­la K20Xm is head­less and the main idea of this guide is to use it as de­fault video card with­in re­mote desk­top ses­sions.

Re­quired Soft­ware

Video 1. Proxmox QEMU/KVM GPU Passthrough Windows 10/11 Guest Demo.
Video 1. Prox­mox QEMU/KVM GPU Passthrough Win­dows 10/11 Guest De­mo.

Once the VM is suc­cess­ful­ly boot in Win­dows 11/10 the first step you need to do is to in­stall an ap­pro­pri­ate NVIDIA dri­ver for the passthrough GPU adapter (ac­cel­er­a­tor). In my case, with Tes­la K20Xm, I'm us­ing the NVIDIA dri­ver 472­.­98-da­ta-cen­ter-tes­la-desk­top-win­10-win­11–64­bit-dch-in­ter­na­tio­nal­.­exe.

You will to in­stall al­so GPU‑Z. And op­tion­al­ly you can in­stall MSI Af­ter­burn and some per­for­mance test soft­ware like those pro­vid­ed by Pass­Mark. Af­ter the in­stal­la­tion of the dri­ver and the oth­er pack­ages you need to re­boot the vir­tu­al ma­chine.

If this is new in­stal­la­tion don't for­got to add QEMU/​​​VirtIO guest tools:

Nvidia SMI Set­tings

Run Com­mand Prompt as Ad­min­is­tra­tor and pre­form the fol­low­ing com­mand to list the avail­able Nvidia de­vices.

nvidia-smi -L
GPU 0: Tesla K20Xm (UUID: GPU-f60379d4-45d8-e070-daa4-5fcb178579b0)

Run the fol­low­ing com­mand to view ver­bose out­put of he avail­able Nvidia de­vices and their gen­er­al set­tings.

Mon Mar 14 23:39:33 2022
| NVIDIA-SMI 472.98       Driver Version: 472.98       CUDA Version: 11.4     |
| GPU  Name            TCC/WDDM | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla K20Xm         TCC  | 00000000:01:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   50C    P8    19W / 235W |      9MiB /  5696MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |

| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                 |

In the above out­put we can see the GPU is in TCC mode which is the com­pute mode of the ac­cel­er­a­tor. In or­der to use it as GPU we must switch it to WD­DM mode by the fol­low­ing com­mand. Where -g {id} in­di­cates the num­ber id of the GPU – GPU 0 from the first com­mand.

nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0
Set driver model to WDDM for GPU 00000000:01:00.0.
All done. Reboot required.

Re­boot the sys­tem and check the mode again – it should be WD­DM. In ad­di­tion nvidia-smi will out­put and a ta­ble that con­tains re­port about the GUI process­es cur­rent­ly us­ing the GPU. Some in­for­ma­tion like as the cur­rent tem­per­a­ture will dis­ap­pear, but now you can read this da­ta via GPU‑Z or MSI Af­ter­burn.

In my opin­ion step and prop­er set­up of Group Pol­i­cy for RDP are the enough to use the Tes­la as GPU. How­ev­er in the most man­u­als is rec­om­mend­ed to tweak al­so the reg­istry, re­lat­ed to the cer­tain GPU ac­cel­er­a­tor, se we will pass through these steps too in the next sec­tions.

RegEd­it Set­tings

Figure 1. Prox­mox QEMU/KVM GPU Passthrough Win­dows 10/11 Guest's RegEd­it Set­tings.

As I said be­fore, I'm not sure this step is re­quired, be­cause Video 1 is tak­en be­fore its im­ple­men­ta­tion, but most of the sim­i­lar man­u­als rec­om­mend to delete the DWORD Adapter­Type:(1) аnd cre­ate a new DWORD En­ableMsHy­brid:(1) with­in the Win­dows' reg­istry fold­er of the GPU – Fig­ure 1.

I think these op­tions are use­ful in a case as this, where you have on­board GPU and head­less ac­cel­er­a­tor like Tes­la, and you want to ren­der the video out­put via the ac­cel­er­a­tor – like it is on the lap­tops. Thus, by per­form­ing this step, you will be able to choose the GPU to be used with cer­tain application(s). For more de­tails ex­plore "Nvidia Con­trol Pan­el > Man­age 3D Set­tings" and/​​​or "Win­dows Set­tings > Sys­tem > Dis­play > Graph­ics".

To per­form this step – first run GPU‑Z, nav­i­gate to the Ad­vanced tab and copy the val­ue of the en­try Reg­istry Path (for the dis­cussed GPU). Then run regedit.msc – find it by the search op­tion with­in the start menu. In the com­mand line of the Reg­istry Ed­i­tor (which is lo­cat­ed at the top bar) type Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ and then paste the reg­istry path copied from GPU‑Z and press En­ter. Here is how the Reg­istry Path looks in my case.


It could take a while to find the tar­get fold­er. Once it is opened, find the en­try Adapter­Type and re­move it by the con­text menu of the right muse but­ton. Then click some­where at the white­space and from the con­text menu cre­ate New > DWORD (32-bit). Name the new en­try En­ableMsHy­brid and press En­ter. Then do dou­ble click at the new en­try and in Hexa­dec­i­mal en­ter 1 for val­ue and click OK. Fi­nal­ly re­boot the sys­tem to ap­ply the changes.

Group Pol­i­cy Set­tings

The video man­u­al Use ANY Head­less GPU for Gam­ing in a Vir­tu­al Ma­chine! pro­vides an ex­am­ple how to use Par­sec Stream­ing Serv­er to get high speed video con­nec­tion for re­mote game play­ing.

Ac­cord­ing to my needs, I de­cid­ed it is enough to use the set­up pro­vid­ed in the man­u­al How to En­able GPU ren­der­ing on Win­dows 10 and Win­dows Serv­er 2019 for Win­dows Re­mote Desk­top Pro­to­col (RDP)Fig­ure 2 is a syn­the­sis of this ap­proach.

Figure 2. Prox­mox QEMU/KVM GPU Passthrough Win­dows 10/11 Guest's Group Pol­i­cy Set­tings.
Local Computer Policy
 + Computer Configuration
    + Administrative Templates
       + Windows Components
          + Remote Desktop Services
             + Remote Desktop Session Host
                + Remote Session Environment | at the right siide >
"Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions": "ENABLE"
gpupdate /force  # to apply the changes or reboot the system

Nvidia SMI Set­tings for Over­clock­ing

Here are list­ed few ad­di­tion­al nvidia-smi com­mands that may help you if you want to over­clock the GPU. The main source of these is the ar­ti­cle Gam­ing, on my Tes­la, more like­ly than you think:

  • nvidia-smi ‑acp 0 – this gives you ad­min Nvidia priv­i­lege (dep­re­cat­ed com­mand),
  • nvidia-smi ‑pm 1, nvidia-smi –auto-boost-permission=UNRESTRICTED ‑i 0 – for some rea­son you have to in­put these two com­mands to make af­ter­burn­er stick,
  • nvidia-smi ‑q ‑d SUPPORTED_CLOCKS – this will tell you what you can SET… First you’ll set MSI Af­ter­burn­er to the de­sired clocks, it won’t set them un­til we use nvidia-smi, so if I want 1100 MHz I’ll do +225 in af­ter­burn­er, THEN en­ter this com­mand nvidia-smi ‑ac 3004,1100… The first num­ber is the RAM speed and the sec­ond num­ber is the Core clock… If I were to give plus 121 MHz to the mem­o­ry and +250 to the Core in af­ter­burn­er I would then need to in­put nvidia-smi ‑ac 3125,1100.
  • Al­so if you are mem­o­ry over­clock­ing I would dis­able ECC sup­port, this can al­so be done through: nvidia-smi ‑e 0.

Cur­rent­ly at my sys­tem there is not enough cool­ing and pow­er sup­ply to per­form over­clock­ing and com­pre­hen­sive per­for­mance tests, but as you can see in Video 1 the card works at its max­i­mum de­fault Core and RAM speed when it is need­ed. I'm not sure it is manda­to­ry but be­fore the test at the men­tioned video I was ex­e­cut­ed the fol­low­ing com­mands.

nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0
==============NVSMI LOG==============

Timestamp                                 : Tue Mar 15 14:58:39 2022
Driver Version                            : 472.98
CUDA Version                              : 11.4

Attached GPUs                             : 1
GPU 00000000:01:00.0
    Supported Clocks
        Memory                            : 2600 MHz
            Graphics                      : 784 MHz
            Graphics                      : 758 MHz
            Graphics                      : 732 MHz
            Graphics                      : 705 MHz
            Graphics                      : 666 MHz
            Graphics                      : 640 MHz
            Graphics                      : 614 MHz
        Memory                            : 324 MHz
            Graphics                      : 324 MHz
nvidia-smi -ac 2600,784
Applications clocks set to "(MEM 2600, SM 784)" for GPU 00000000:01:00.0
All done.
