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''In the following sections is provided information about the most used LVM related operations and basic concepts. There are much more capabilities of the Logical Volume Manager - you can get familiar with them by reading the main source of this article '''[ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing logical volumes] .'''''

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
== Overview of Logical Volume Management (LVM) ==
*'''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.1: Overview LVM]'''''
# `pvdisplay` Display various attributes of physical volume(s). Shows the attributes of PVs, like size, physical extent size, space used for the VG descriptor area, etc.
# `pvs` is a preferred alternative that shows the same information and more, using a more compact and configurable output format.
| n = 1
sudo pvdisplay
| img = Basic-lvm-volume-components-redhat-docs.png
| sz = 520
| pos = right
| label = f
Logical volume management (LVM) creates a layer of abstraction over physical storage, which helps you to create logical storage volumes. This provides much greater flexibility in a number of ways than using physical storage directly.

# `lvdisplay` - Display information about a logical volume. Shows the attributes of LVs, like size, read/write status, snapshot information, etc.
In addition, the hardware storage configuration is hidden from the software so it can be resized and moved without stopping applications or unmounting file systems. This can reduce operational costs.
# `lvs` is a preferred alternative that shows the same information and more, using a more compact and configurable output format.

## Extend VG  which is located on /dev/sda to encompass also /dev/sdb
The following are the components of LVM - they are illustrated on the diagram shown at {{Media-cite|f|1}}:
lsblk # check the devices
sudo pvcreat /dev/sdb     # create phisical volume at /dev/sdb
sudo pvdisplay # check
sudo vgextend vg_name /dev/sdb # extend  the existing volume group
df -hT # check
sudo vgdisplay # check
# At this point you can create a new logical volume or extend an existing one

##  Extend logical volume - note there mus have enoug free space in the volume group where the existing LV is located
*'''Physical volume''': A physical volume (PV) is a partition or whole disk designated for LVM use. For more information, see [ Managing LVM physical volumes].
sudo lvextend -L +10G /dev/mapper/lv_name
sudo rsize2fs /dev/mapper/lv_name
df -h
### for swap file sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/xxxx-swap_1
### then edit /etc/fstab and chenge the UUID if it is mounted by it...

## Exten to all available space and resize the FS in the same time
*'''Volume group''': A volume group (VG) is a collection of physical volumes (PVs), which creates a pool of disk space out of which logical volumes can be allocated. For more information, see [ Managing LVM volume groups].
sudo lvextend --reziefs -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/lv_name
df -h

# Shrink logical volume
*'''Logical volume''': A logical volume represents a mountable storage device. For more information, see [ Managing LVM logical volumes].
    1  lsblk
Requirements: the package <code>'''''lvm2'''''</code> must be installed.
    2  sudo apt update
    3  sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility
    4  ll
    5  lsblk
    6  ll /dev/kali-x-vg
    7  ll /dev/kali-x-vg/root
    8  ll /dev/dm-0
    9  sudo lvreduce --resizefs -L 60G kali-x-vg/root
  10  lsblk
  11  df -h

<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
apt install lvm2

## Create a new volume group on newly attached block device /dev/sdc
==Physical Volumes (PV)==
lsblk # check
sudo pvcreat /dev/sdbc # crrate phisical volume
sudo vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdbc # create volume group
sudo vgdisplay # check

## Create a new logical volume
*'''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.2: Managing LVM PV]'''''
sudo lvcreate vg_name -L 5G -n lv_name # create 5GB logical volume
sudo lvdisplay # check
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name # format the logical folume as Ext4

# mount the new logical volume
The physical volume (PV) is a partition or whole disk designated for LVM use. To use the device for an LVM logical volume, the device must be initialized as a physical volume.
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/volume # create mount point
sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name /mnt/volume # mount the volume
If you are using a whole disk device for your physical volume, the disk must have no partition table. For DOS disk partitions, the partition id should be set to 0x8e using the <code>fdisk</code> or <code>cfdisk</code> command or an equivalent. If you are using a whole disk device for your physical volume, the disk must have no partition table. Any existing partition table must be erased, which will effectively destroy all data on that disk. You can remove an existing partition table using the <code>wipefs -a <PhysicalVolume>`</code> command as root.
df -h # check
=== Display PV===
'''<code>[ pvdisplay]</code>''' -  Display various attributes of physical volume(s). <code>pvdisplay</code> shows the attributes of PVs, like size, physical extent size, space used for the VG descriptor area, etc.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name              /dev/nvme0n1p3
VG Name              vg_name
PV Size              <930.54 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
Allocatable          yes
PE Size              4.00 MiB
Total PE              238216
Free PE              155272
Allocated PE          82944
PV UUID              BKK3Cm-CAzY-rNah-o3Ox-L7FY-aNIY-ysUSIL
'''<code>[ pvs]</code>''' - Display information about physical volumes. <code>pvs</code> is a preferred alternative of <code>pvdisplay</code> that shows the same information and more, using a more compact and configurable output format.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
PV            VG        Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree 
/dev/nvme0n1p3 vg_name   lvm2 a--  930.53g 626.53g
</syntaxhighlight>The command <code>[[Linux List All Mount Points (refs)|lsblk]]</code> also outputs useful information about PV-VG-LV relations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lsblk -M
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="shrink-line-height">
      NAME                                  MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS
      nvme0n1                              259:0  0 931.5G  0 disk
      ├─nvme0n1p1                          259:1  0  512M  0 part /boot/efi
      ├─nvme0n1p2                          259:2  0  488M  0 part /boot
      └─nvme0n1p3                          259:3  0 930.5G  0 part
  ┌─>  ├─vg-lv_1-real                      254:0  0  60G  0 lvm 
  │    │ └─vg-lv_1                        254:1  0  60G  0 lvm  /
┌─>│    ├─vg-lv_2-real                      254:2  0  60G  0 lvm 
│  │    │ └─vg-lv_2                        254:7  0  60G  0 lvm  /home
└┬>│    ├─vg-lv_2_ss_at_date_220912-cow    254:3  0  60G  0 lvm 
│ └┬>  ├─vg-lv_1_ss_at_date_220908-cow    254:4  0  60G  0 lvm 
│  │    └─vg-swap_1                        254:6  0    4G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
│  └──vg-lv_1_ss_at_date_220908            254:5  0  60G  0 lvm 
└─────vg-lv_2_ss_at_date_220912            254:9  0  60G  0 lvm

# mount it permanently via /etc/fstab (we can munt it by using the mapped path, but it is preferable to use UUID)
'''<code>[ pvscan]</code>''' - List all physical volumes. The <code>pvscan</code> command scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for physical volumes. You can define a filter in the <code>[[PVE HDD Sleep (Suspend)#Setup Proxmox Vgscan/Pvestatd|lvm.conf]]</code> file so that this command avoids scanning specific physical volumes.
sudo blkid /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name # get the UUID (universal unique identifier) of the logical volume
> /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name: UUID="b6ddc49d-...-...c90" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"

sudo cp /etc/fstab{,.bak} # backup the fstab file
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
sudo umount /mnt/volume # unmount the nel volume
df -h # check

sudo nano /etc/fstab
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
># <file system>                            <mount point>   <type>  <options>      <dump>  <pass>
PV /dev/nvme0n1p3   VG vg_name        lvm2 [930.53 GiB / 566.53 GiB free]
>    UUID=b6ddc49d-...-...c90 /mnt/volume    ext4        defaults 0   2
Total: 1 [930.53 GiB] / in use: 1 [930.53 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0  ]

# Test /etc/fsstab for errors, by remount everything listed inside
===Create PV===
sudo mount -a # no output means everything is correctly mounted
The physical volume could be created on the entire drive or on a partition. It is preferable to partition the disk - [ create a single partition that covers the whole disk to label as an LVM physical volume], - otherwise some tools like [ CloneZilla] wont handle the drive correctly when LVM is installed directly on the drive (without partitioning), etc.. How to partition the disk from the CLI is described in the article [[Linux Basic Partitioning]].
df -h # check

Create Physicals volume by the partition <code>/dev/nvme0n1p3</code>.

<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
pvcreate /dev/nvme0n1p3

<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Physical volume "/dev/nvme0n1p3" successfully created.
</syntaxhighlight>'''Another example:''' Create Physicals volume by the partition <code>/dev/vda1</code> and <code>/dev/vdb1</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
pvcreate /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb1
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Physical volume "/dev/vda1" successfully created.
Physical volume "/dev/vdb1" successfully created.

===Remove PV===
If a device is no longer required for use by LVM, you can remove the LVM label by using the <code>pvremove</code> command. Executing the <code>pvremove</code> command zeroes the LVM metadata on an empty physical volume.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
pvremove /dev/nvme0n2p1

== Snapshots of Logical Volumes ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Labels on physical volume "/dev/nvme0n2p1" successfully wiped.
</syntaxhighlight>Then use <code>pvs</code> and verify if the required volume is removed. If the physical volume you want to remove is currently part of a volume group, you must remove it from the volume group with the <code>[ vgreduce]</code> command. For more information, see [ Removing physical volumes from a volume group].

=== Create a Snapshot ===
==Volume Groups (VG)==
<code>[ lvcreate]</code>:
*'''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.3: Managing LVM VG]'''''
* <code class="noTypo">-s</code>, <code class="noTypo">--snapshot</code> - Create a snapshot. Snapshots provide a "frozen image" of an origin LV. The snapshot LV can be used, e.g. for backups, while the origin LV continues to be used. This option can create a COW (copy on write) snapshot, or a ''thin snapshot'' (in a thin pool.) Thin snapshots are created when the origin is a thin LV and the size option is NOT specified.
A volume group (VG) is a collection of physical volumes (PVs), which creates a pool of disk space out of which logical volumes (LVs) can be allocated.
* <code class="noTypo">-n</code>, <code class="noTypo">--name</code> - Specifies the name of a new LV. When unspecified, a default name of <code>lvol#</code> is generated, where <code>#</code> is a number generated by LVM.
Within a volume group, the disk space available for allocation is divided into units of a fixed-size called extents. An extent is the smallest unit of space that can be allocated. Within a physical volume, extents are referred to as physical extents.
Create 5GB snapshot of a logical volume named <code>lv_name</code> from volume group named <code>vg_name</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
A logical volume is allocated into logical extents of the same size as the physical extents. The extent size is thus the same for all logical volumes in the volume group. The volume group maps the logical extents to physical extents.
sudo lvcreate /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name -L 5G -s -n lv_name_ss_at_date_$(date +%y%m%d)
===Display VG===
<code>'''[ vgdisplay]'''</code> - Display volume group information. The <code>vgdisplay</code> command displays volume group properties such as size, extents, number of physical volumes, and other options in a fixed form.  If you do not specify a volume group, all existing volume groups are displayed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
--- Volume group ---
VG Name              vg_name
System ID           
Format                lvm2
Metadata Areas        1
Metadata Sequence No  19
VG Access            read/write
VG Status            resizable
MAX LV                0
Cur LV                6
Open LV              4
Max PV                0
Cur PV                1
Act PV                1
VG Size              930.53 GiB
PE Size              4.00 MiB
Total PE              238216
Alloc PE / Size      93184 / 364.00 GiB
Free  PE / Size      145032 / 566.53 GiB
VG UUID              NWWfr6-xxfN-0d22-muPn-Rgqj-vAcA-z5P5jV
</syntaxhighlight>The following example shows the output of the <code>vgdisplay</code> command for the volume group ''<code>vg_name</code>''.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
vgdisplay vg_name
</syntaxhighlight><code>'''[ vgs]'''</code> - Display information about volume groups. It is a preferred alternative of <code>vgdisplay</code> that shows the same information and more, using a more compact and configurable output format.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
VG        #PV  #LV  #SN  Attr    VSize    VFree 
vg_name    1    6    2  wz--n-  930.53g  566.53g
</syntaxhighlight>'''<code>[ vgscan]</code>''' - Search for all volume groups. <code>vgscan</code> scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for VGs.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Found volume group "vg_name" using metadata type lvm2
===Create VG===
Create Volume group named <code>vg_name</code> by using the <code>/dev/nvme0n1p3</code> Physical volume.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
vgcreate vg_name /dev/nvme0n1p3
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Volume group "vg_name" successfully created.
</syntaxhighlight>'''Another example:''' Create Volume group named <code>another_vg</code> by using <code>/dev/vda1</code> and <code>/dev/vdb1</code> Physical volumes.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
vgcreate another_vg /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb1
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Volume group "another_vg" successfully created.
</syntaxhighlight>'''Another example:''' Create a new '''physical volume'''  and then a new '''volume group''' on newly attached block device  - in this case <code>/dev/sdc</code>.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lsblk                      # check
pvcreat /dev/sdbc          # crate phisical volume
vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdbc # create volume group
vgdisplay                  # check
===Extend VG===
'''<code class="noTypo">[ vgextend]</code>''' - Add physical volumes to a volume group. <code class="noTypo">vgextend</code> adds one or more PVs to a VG. This increases the space available for LVs in the VG. Also, PVs that have gone missing and then returned, e.g. due to a transient device failure, can be added back to the VG without re-initializing them (see <code class="noTypo">--restore&shy;missing</code>).
If the specified PVs have not yet been initialized with <code class="noTypo">pvcreate</code>, <code class="noTypo">vgextend</code> will initialize them. In this case <code class="noTypo">pvcreate</code> options can be used, e.g. <code class="noTypo">--label&shy;sector</code>, <code class="noTypo">--meta&shy;data&shy;size</code>, <code class="noTypo">--meta&shy;data&shy;ignore</code>, <code class="noTypo">--pv&shy;meta&shy;data&shy;copies</code>, <code class="noTypo">--data&shy;align&shy;ment</code>, <code class="noTypo">--data&shy;align&shy;ment&shy;offset</code>.
Example 1: Occupy a partition that is not yet defined as Physical volume.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
vgextend vg_name /dev/nvme0n2p1
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Physical volume "/dev/nvme0n2p1" successfully created.
Volume group "vg_name" successfully extended.
Example 2: Create a new Physical volume and then extend an existing Volume group named <code>another_vg</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
lsblk # Check the devices
pvcreat /dev/sdb     # Create a Phisical volume at /dev/sdb
pvdisplay # Check the list of the Phisical volumes
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
sudo lvs
vgextend another_vg /dev/sdb # Extend the existing VG to occupy the new PV
<syntaxhighlight lang="terraform" line="1" highlight="3">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
LV                        VG        Attr      LSize  Pool Origin    Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
df -hT # Check the list of the available devices
lv_name                    vg_name owi-aos--- 60.00g                                                   
vgdisplay # Check the VGs information
lv_name_ss_at_date_220908  vg_name swi-a-s---  5.00g        lv_name  0.01

=== Mount a Snapshot ===
===Merge VG: Combine VGs===
The snapshot could be mounted in order to fetch files in their snapshot state. In this case it is good to mount them in read only mode.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<code>'''[ vgmerge]'''</code> - Merge volume groups. To combine two volume groups into a single volume group, use the <code>vgmerge</code> command. You can merge an inactive "source" volume with an active or an inactive "destination" volume if the physical extent sizes of the volume are equal and the physical and logical volume summaries of both volume groups fit into the destination volume groups limits.
sudo mkdir /mnt/snapshot
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
sudo mount -r /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908 /mnt/snapshot
</syntaxhighlight>You can use a mounted snapshot (of the root filesystem) to create a backup while the OS is running.

=== Restore a Snapshot ===
Merge the inactive volume group <code>another_vg</code> into the active or inactive volume group <code>vg_name</code> giving verbose runtime information.
Note after the restoring of a snapshot with merge option in use the snapshot will be removed, so you must create another snapshot for a later use of the same state of the logical volume.  
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
vgmerge -v vg_name another_vg
===Reduce VG: Remove PVs from a VG===
'''<code>[ vgreduce]</code>''' - Remove physical volume(s) from a volume group. The <code>vgreduce</code> command shrinks a volume group’s capacity by removing one or more empty physical volumes. This frees those physical volumes to be used in different volume groups or to be removed from the system.

For restoring a snapshot we will need to use the commands [ <code>lvconvert</code>] and [ <code>lvchange</code>].  
'''1.''' If the Physical volume is still being used, migrate the data to another Physical volume from the same Volume group by <code>[ pvmove]</code>.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
pvmove /dev/vdb3
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
/dev/vdb3: Moved: 2.0%
...v/vdb3: Moved: 79...
/dev/vdb3: Moved: 100.0%
</syntaxhighlight>'''2.''' If there are no enough free extents on the other physical volumes in the existing volume group.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
pvcreate /dev/vdb4          # Create a new physical volume from /dev/vdb4
vgextend vg_name /dev/vdb4  # Add the newly created PV to the vg_name VG
pvmove /dev/vdb3 /dev/vdb4  # Move the data from /dev/vdb3 to /dev/vdb4
</syntaxhighlight>'''3.''' Remove the physical volume <code>/dev/vdb3</code> from the volume group.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
pvmove /dev/vdb3
</syntaxhighlight>'''4.''' Verify if the <code>/dev/vdb3</code> physical volume is removed from the <code>vg_name</code> volume group by the help of <code>pvs</code>.

==== LvConvert: Convert-merge the snapshot with the source LV ====
===Split VG===
<code>'''[ vgsplit]'''</code> - Move physical volumes into a new or existing volume group. More details at Red Hat's manual - section  [ Splitting a LVM volume group].
<code>[ lvconvert]</code> - Change logical volume layout.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
vgsplit myvg yourvg /dev/vdb3
* <code class="noTypo">--merge</code> - An alias for <code class="noTypo">--mergethin</code>, <code class="noTypo">--mergemirrors</code>, or <code class="noTypo">--mergesnapshot</code>, depending on the type of LV (logical volume).
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
* <code class="noTypo">--mergesnapshot</code> - Merge COW snapshot LV into its origin. When merging a snapshot, if both the origin and snapshot LVs are not open, the merge will start immediately. Otherwise, the merge will start the first time either the origin or snapshot LV are activated and both are closed. Merging a snapshot into an origin that cannot be closed, for example a root filesystem, is deferred until the next time the origin volume is activated. When merging starts, the resulting LV will have the origin's name, minor number and UUID. While the merge is in progress, reads or writes to the origin appear as being directed to the snapshot being merged. When the merge finishes, the merged snapshot is removed. Multiple snapshots may be specified on the command line or a @tag may be used to specify multiple snapshots be merged to their respective origin.
Volume group "yourvg" successfully split from "myvg"
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray">
sudo umount  /lv_name-mountpoint
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
sudo lvconvert --merge /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
</syntaxhighlight>If it is a root filesystem, and the source logical volume is not operational at all, we need to boot in live Linux session in order to perform the steps, because it must be unmounted. It it is not a root filesystem, we need to unmount the logical volume first.

==== LvChange: Deactivate, reactivate and remount the LV ====
=== Rename VG===
<code>'''[ vgrename]'''</code> - Rename a volume group. <code>'''[ vgchange]'''</code> - Change volume group attributes.  
<code>[ lvchange]</code> - Change the attributes of logical volume(s).
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
vgchange --activate n vg_name           # Deactivate the volume group
* <code>-a|</code>, <code class="noTypo">--activate y|n|ay</code> - Change the active state of LVs. An active LV can be used through a block device, allowing data on the LV to be accessed. <code>'''y'''</code> makes LVs active, or available. <code>'''n'''</code> makes LVs inactive, or unavailable...
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
sudo lvchange -an /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
sudo lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
If we are working within a live Linux session - i.e. we are restoring a root filesystem, - these steps will be performed at the next reboot. Otherwise we need to run the following steps in order to apply the changes without reboot.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
vgrename vg_name new_vg_name            # Rename an existing volume group
sudo mount -a  # remount via /etc/fstab
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray">
df -h          # list the mounted devices
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
vgrename /dev/vg_name /dev/new_vg_name  # Rename by specifying the full paths to the devices
</syntaxhighlight>'''Rename volume group by UUID:''' This is useful when you have attached to the system a device that have a VG with the same name as one already existing. Use <code>vgdisplay</code> to identify the  target volume group and its UUID.

=== Remove a Snapshot ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<code>[ lvremove]</code> - Remove logical volume(s) from the system.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue">
sudo lvremove /dev/vg_name/lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray">
vgrename ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox old_pve
sudo lvremove /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="bash" class="root-prompt code-continue">
WARNING: VG name "pve" is used by VGs "ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox" and "hXgkkq-MdYE-dobE-VPrC-0c6f-p5Oi-L4XEZu".
Fix duplicate VG names with vgrename uuid, a device filter, or system IDs.
Processing VG pve because of matching UUID ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox
Volume group "ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox" successfully renamed to "old_pve"

== References ==
===Remove VG===
'''<code>[ vgremove]</code>''' - Remove volume group(s). <code>vgremove</code> removes one or more VGs. If LVs exist in the VG, a prompt is used to confirm LV removal.
If one or more PVs in the VG are lost, consider <code class="noTypo">vgreduce --remove&shy;missing</code> to make the VG metadata consistent again. Repeat the force option (<code>-ff</code>) to forcibly remove LVs in the VG without confirmation.

* Red Hat Docs: <u>[ Red Hat > '''<nowiki>[9]</nowiki>''' > '''Configuring and managing logical volumes''']</u>
==Logical Volumes (LV)==
* Learn Linux TV: [ '''Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Deep Dive Tutorial''']
* Learn Linux TV at YouTube: [ Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Deep Dive Tutorial]
* Linux Hint: [ LVM: How to List and Selectively Remove Snapshots]

Assuming we want to create LVM and we want to occupy the entire disk space at <code>/dev/sdb</code>. You can <code>fdisk</code> or <code>gdisk</code> to create a new GPT partition table that will wipe all partitions and create new partitions you need:
*'''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.4: Managing LVM LV]'''''
*'''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.5: Modifying the size of a LV]'''''

* If the device <code>/dev/sdb</code> '''will be''' used used as '''boot device''' you can create two partitions one for <code>/boot</code> - Linux ext4 and one for the root fs <code>/</code> - Linux LVM.
A logical volume is a virtual, block storage device that a file system, database, or application can use. To create an LVM logical volume, the physical volumes (PVs) are combined into a volume group (VG). This creates a pool of disk space out of which LVM logical volumes (LVs) can be allocated.
* If the device <code>/dev/sdb</code> '''won't be''' used as '''boot device''' you can create only one for LVM.

Create partition table:
An administrator can grow or shrink logical volumes without destroying data, unlike standard disk partitions. If the physical volumes in a volume group are on separate drives or RAID arrays, then administrators can also spread a logical volume across the storage devices.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
The following are the different types of logical volumes ([ more details]):
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
*Linear volumes
*Striped logical volumes
*RAID logical volumes
*Thin-provisioned logical volumes (thin volumes) - Using thin-provisioned logical volumes, you can create logical volumes that are larger than the available physical storage...
*Snapshot volumes
*Thin-provisioned snapshot volumes
*Cache volumes
===Create LV===
[ '''lvcreate'''] - Create LVM '''logical volume''' at <code>lvm-vm-group</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvcreate -n vm-win-01 -L 60g lvm-vm-group
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# create a new empty GPT partition table
Logical volume "vm-win-01" created.
Command (m for help): g
* <code>vm-win-01</code> is the name of the logical volume (device), it is mater of your choice.
Check the result:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lsblk | grep -P 'sdb|lvm'
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# add a new partition
├─sdb1                          8:17  0    1G  0 part
Command (m for help): n
└─sdb2                          8:18  0 231.9G  0 part
Partition number (1-128, default 1): 1
  └─lvm--vm--group-vm--win--01 253:0    0    60G  0 lvm
First sector (2048-488397134, default 2048):
</syntaxhighlight>'''Another example:''' For [[pve:Recover_From_Grub_Failure|Recovering PVE from grub "disk not found" error when booting from LVM]] by creating 4MiB LV.
Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-488397134, default 488397134): +1G
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvcreate -L 4M pve -n grubtemp

Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 1 GiB.
*Assume you have <code>pve</code> volume group.
* <code>grubtemp</code> is the name of the new logical volume (LV).
'''Another example:''' Create a new logical volume and format it as Ext4, and mount it permanently via <code>/etc/fstab</code> by its UUID.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lvcreate vg_name -L 50G -n lv_name    # create 50GB logical volume
lvdisplay                            # check
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name # format the logical folume as Ext4
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
mount /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name /mnt/volume # Mount it manually
df -h /mnt/volume                            # Check
umount /mnt/volume
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
blkid /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
/dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name: UUID="6cb60ea8-d45e..." BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
nano /etc/fstab
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
UUID=6cb60ea8-d4... /mnt/volume  ext4  defaults  0 2
'''Another example:''' Create a new logical volume and format it as Swap, and mount it permanently via <code>/etc/fstab</code>. by <code>vg_name/lv_name</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lvcreate vg_name -L 16G -n swap_1 # create 16GB logical volume
lvdisplay                        # check
mkswap /dev/mapper/vg_name-swap_1 # format the logical folume as Swap
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
swapon /dev/mapper/vg_name-swap_1
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
nano /etc/fstab
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
/dev/vg_name/swap_1  none  swap  sw  0 0
===Rename LV===
<code>'''[ lvrename]'''</code> - Rename a logical volume.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
umount /mnt/my-lv-mount-point
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvrename my-volume-group my-lv-prev my-lv-new
</syntaxhighlight>Alternatively you can rename LV by its full path.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvrename /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-prev /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-new
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# add a new partition
Command (m for help): n
Partition number (2-128, default 2):
First sector (2099200-488397134, default 2099200):
Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2099200-488397134, default 488397134):

Created a new partition 2 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 231.9 GiB.
=== Remove LV===
<code>'''[ lvremove]'''</code> - Remove logical volume(s) from the system.
If the logical volume is currently mounted, unmount the volume.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
umount /mnt/my-lv-name-mount-point
</syntaxhighlight>If the logical volume exists in a clustered environment, deactivate the logical volume on all nodes where it is active. Use the following command on each such node.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
lvchange --activate n my-volume-group/my-lv-name
</syntaxhighlight>Remove the logical volume using the <code>lvremove</code> utility.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvremove /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-name
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# change a partition type
Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1,2, default 2): 2
Partition type (type L to list all types): 31

Changed type of partition 'Linux filesystem' to 'Linux LVM'.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session">
Do you really want to remove active logical volume my-volume-group/my-lv-name? [y/n]: y
  Logical volume "my-lv-name" successfully removed
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# print the partition table
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sdb: 232.91 GiB, 250059350016 bytes, 488397168 sectors
Disk model: CT250MX500SSD1
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 005499CA-7834-434B-9C36-5306537C8CF1

Device      Start      End  Sectors  Size Type
=== Resize LV (extend|reduce) ===
/dev/sdb1    2048  2099199  2097152    1G Linux filesystem
<code>'''[ lvresize]'''</code> - Resize a logical volume. <code>lvresize</code> resizes an LV in the same way as <code>[ lvextend]</code> and <code>[ lvreduce]</code>. 
/dev/sdb2  2099200 488397134 486297935 231.9G Linux LVM

Filesystem/RAID signature on partition 1 will be wiped.
'''Example 0:''' '''Resize''' (Extend) an LV by 16MB using specific physical extents.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvresize -L+16M vg1/lv1 /dev/sda:0-1 /dev/sdb:0-1
</syntaxhighlight>'''Example 1:''' '''Extend''' a logical volume '''by 10GiB''' and '''resize the file-system manually'''. (note there mus have enough free space in the volume group where the existing LV is located.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvextend -L +10G /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
rsize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted
</syntaxhighlight>'''Example 2:''' '''Extend''' a logical volume, '''occupy 100%''' of the available space in the VG and '''resize the file-system''' in the same time.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvextend --reziefs -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted
</syntaxhighlight>'''Example 3:''' '''Reduce''' (Resize|Shrink) the LV and its file-system (from larger size) to exactly 60GiB. Note this may be dangerous an you may need to take a backup of the file-system before do it.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt">
lvreduce --resizefs -L 60G vg_name/lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
#  verify the partition table
==Snapshots of Logical Volumes==
Command (m for help): v
No errors detected.
* '''''Source: [ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > Ch.7: Snapshot of LV]'''''
Header version: 1.0
Using 2 out of 128 partitions.
Using the LVM snapshot feature, you can create virtual images of a volume, for example, ''/dev/sda'', at a particular instant without causing a service interruption.
A total of 0 free sectors is available in 0 segments (the largest is (null)).
When you modify the original volume (the origin) after you take a snapshot, the snapshot feature makes a copy of the modified data area as it was prior to the change so that it can reconstruct the state of the volume. When you create a snapshot, full read and write access to the origin stays possible....
===Create a Snapshot ===
'''<code>[ lvcreate]</code>''' - Create a logical volume.
* <code class="noTypo">-s</code>, <code class="noTypo">--snapshot</code> - Create a snapshot. Snapshots provide a "frozen image" of an origin LV. The snapshot LV can be used, e.g. for backups, while the origin LV continues to be used. This option can create a COW (copy on write) snapshot, or a ''thin snapshot'' (in a thin pool.) Thin snapshots are created when the origin is a thin LV and the size option is NOT specified.
* <code class="noTypo">-n</code>, <code class="noTypo">--name</code> - Specifies the name of a new LV. When unspecified, a default name of <code>lvol#</code> is generated, where <code>#</code> is a number generated by LVM.
Create 5GB snapshot of a logical volume named <code>lv_name</code> from volume group named <code>vg_name</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lvcreate /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name -L 5G -s -n lv_name_ss_at_date_$(date +%y%m%d)
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
# write table to disk and exit
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
<syntaxhighlight lang="terraform" line="1" highlight="3">
Format the first partition <code>/dev/sdb1</code> to ext4:
LV                        VG        Attr      LSize  Pool Origin    Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
lv_name                    vg_name owi-aos---  60.00g                                                   
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
lv_name_ss_at_date_220908  vg_name swi-a-s---  5.00g        lv_name  0.01
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
Creating filesystem with 262144 4k blocks and 65536 inodes
Filesystem UUID: a6a72cfe-46f1-4caa-b114-6bf03f1efe7f
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376

Allocating group tables: done
===Mount a Snapshot===
Writing inode tables: done
The snapshot could be mounted in order to fetch files in their snapshot state. In this case it is good to mount them in read only mode.
Creating journal (8192 blocks): done
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
mkdir /mnt/snapshot
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
mount -r /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908 /mnt/snapshot
</syntaxhighlight>You can use a mounted snapshot (of the root filesystem) to create a backup while the OS is running:
* DevConnected: [ LVM Snapshots Backup and Restore on Linux]
===Restore a Snapshot===
Note after the restoring of a snapshot with merge option in use the snapshot will be removed, so you must create another snapshot for a later use of the same state of the logical volume.
For restoring a snapshot we will need to use the commands [ <code>lvconvert</code>] and [ <code>lvchange</code>].
====LvConvert: Convert-merge the snapshot with the source LV====
<code>[ lvconvert]</code> - Change logical volume layout.
* <code class="noTypo">--merge</code> - An alias for <code class="noTypo">--mergethin</code>, <code class="noTypo">--mergemirrors</code>, or <code class="noTypo">--mergesnapshot</code>, depending on the type of LV (logical volume).
* <code class="noTypo">--mergesnapshot</code> - Merge COW snapshot LV into its origin. When merging a snapshot, if both the origin and snapshot LVs are not open, the merge will start immediately. Otherwise, the merge will start the first time either the origin or snapshot LV are activated and both are closed. Merging a snapshot into an origin that cannot be closed, for example a root filesystem, is deferred until the next time the origin volume is activated. When merging starts, the resulting LV will have the origin's name, minor number and UUID. While the merge is in progress, reads or writes to the origin appear as being directed to the snapshot being merged. When the merge finishes, the merged snapshot is removed. Multiple snapshots may be specified on the command line or a @tag may be used to specify multiple snapshots be merged to their respective origin.
Create LVM '''physicals volume''' at the second partition <code>/dev/sdb1</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
umount  /lv_name-mountpoint
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb2
{{collapse/div|#lvm2 pvc}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
lvconvert --merge /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
Physical volume "/dev/sdb2" successfully created.
If it is a root filesystem, and the source logical volume is not operational at all, we need to boot in live Linux session in order to perform the steps, because it must be unmounted. It it is not a root filesystem, we need to unmount the logical volume first.
====LvChange: Deactivate, reactivate and remount the LV====
<code>[ lvchange]</code> - Change the attributes of logical volume(s).
* <code>-a|</code>, <code class="noTypo">--activate y|n|ay</code> - Change the active state of LVs. An active LV can be used through a block device, allowing data on the LV to be accessed. <code>'''y'''</code> makes LVs active, or available. <code>'''n'''</code> makes LVs inactive, or unavailable...
Create LVM '''volume group''' at <code>/dev/sdb1</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lvchange -an /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
sudo vgcreate lvm-vm-group /dev/sdb2
{{collapse/div|#lvm2 vgc}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name -K
Physical volume "/dev/sdb2" successfully created.
If we are working within a live Linux session - i.e. we are restoring a root filesystem, - these steps will be performed at the next reboot. Otherwise we need to run the following steps in order to apply the changes without reboot.

* <code>lvm-vm-group</code> is the name of the group, it is mater of your choice.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
mount -a  # remount via /etc/fstab
Create LVM '''logical volume''' at <code>lvm-vm-group</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
sudo lvcreate -n vm-win-01 -L 60g lvm-vm-group
{{collapse/div|#lvm2 lvc}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
df -h          # list the mounted devices
Logical volume "vm-win-01" created.

* <code>vm-win-01</code> is the name of the logical device, it is mater of your choice.
===Remove a Snapshot===
<code>[ lvremove]</code> - Remove logical volume(s) from the system.
Check the result:
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue">
lvremove /dev/vg_name/lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
lsblk | grep -P 'sdb|lvm'
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="root-prompt code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
lvremove /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
├─sdb1                          8:17  0    1G  0 part
└─sdb2                          8:18  0 231.9G  0 part
  └─lvm--vm--group-vm--win--01 253:0    0    60G  0 lvm

== Thin Volumes, Enable Caching and Create Methods... ==
* [ DigitalOcean: How To Use LVM To Manage Storage Devices on Ubuntu 18.04]
* [ Ubuntu Community Wiki: '''Ubuntu Desktop LVM''']
* [ SleepLessBeastie's notes: '''How to fix device excluded by a filter''']
* ''[ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > '''Ch.8: Creating and managing thin provisioned volumes (thin volumes)''']''
* ''[ Red Hat Docs > <nowiki>[9]</nowiki> > Configuring and managing LVs > '''Ch.9: Enabling caching to improve logical volume performance''']''
*Red Hat Docs: <u>[ Red Hat > '''<nowiki>[9]</nowiki>''' > '''Configuring and managing LVs''']</u>
*Learn Linux TV: [ '''Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Deep Dive Tutorial''']
*Learn Linux TV at YouTube: [ Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Deep Dive Tutorial]
*Linux Hint: [ LVM: How to List and Selectively Remove Snapshots]
*DigitalOcean: [ How To Use LVM To Manage Storage Devices on Ubuntu 18.04]
*Ubuntu Community Wiki: [ '''Ubuntu Desktop LVM''']
*SleepLessBeastie's notes: [ '''How to fix device excluded by a filter''']

Line 310: Line 517:
  | Прндл  = Linux Server
  | Прндл  = Linux Server
  | Прндл1 = Linux Desktop
  | Прндл1 = Linux Desktop
  | Стадий = 3
  | Стадий = 6
  | Фаза  = Разработване
  | Фаза  = Утвърждаване
  | Статус = Разработван
  | Статус = Утвърден
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | РзбПт  = {{REVISIONUSER}}
  | РзбПт = Spas
| АвтПт  = Spas
  | ИдтДт  = 2.07.2022
  | ИдтДт  = 2.07.2022
  | РзбДт  = {{Today}}
  | РзбДт = 24.05.2023
| АвтДт  = 24.05.2023
| УтвДт = {{Today}}
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27032|27032]]
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/27032|27032]]
  | РзбРв  = {{REVISIONID}}
  | РзбРв = [[Special:Permalink/32575|32575]]
| АвтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/32576|32576]]
| УтвРв = {{REVISIONID}}

Latest revision as of 15:35, 4 February 2024

In the fol­low­ing sec­tions is pro­vid­ed in­for­ma­tion about the most used LVM re­lat­ed op­er­a­tions and ba­sic con­cepts. There are much more ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the Log­i­cal Vol­ume Man­ag­er – you can get fa­mil­iar with them by read­ing the main source of this ar­ti­cle Red Hat Docs > [9] > Con­fig­ur­ing and man­ag­ing log­i­cal vol­umes .

Overview of Log­i­cal Vol­ume Man­age­ment (LVM)

Figure 1. LVM log­i­cal vol­ume com­po­nents.

Log­i­cal vol­ume man­age­ment (LVM) cre­ates a lay­er of ab­strac­tion over phys­i­cal stor­age, which helps you to cre­ate log­i­cal stor­age vol­umes. This pro­vides much greater flex­i­bil­i­ty in a num­ber of ways than us­ing phys­i­cal stor­age di­rect­ly.

In ad­di­tion, the hard­ware stor­age con­fig­u­ra­tion is hid­den from the soft­ware so it can be re­sized and moved with­out stop­ping ap­pli­ca­tions or un­mount­ing file sys­tems. This can re­duce op­er­a­tional costs.

The fol­low­ing are the com­po­nents of LVM – they are il­lus­trat­ed on the di­a­gram shown at Fig­ure 1:

  • Vol­ume group: A vol­ume group (VG) is a col­lec­tion of phys­i­cal vol­umes (PVs), which cre­ates a pool of disk space out of which log­i­cal vol­umes can be al­lo­cat­ed. For more in­for­ma­tion, see Man­ag­ing LVM vol­ume groups.

Re­quire­ments: the pack­age lvm2 must be in­stalled.

apt install lvm2

Phys­i­cal Vol­umes (PV)

The phys­i­cal vol­ume (PV) is a par­ti­tion or whole disk des­ig­nat­ed for LVM use. To use the de­vice for an LVM log­i­cal vol­ume, the de­vice must be ini­tial­ized as a phys­i­cal vol­ume.

If you are us­ing a whole disk de­vice for your phys­i­cal vol­ume, the disk must have no par­ti­tion ta­ble. For DOS disk par­ti­tions, the par­ti­tion id should be set to 0x8e us­ing the fdisk or cfdisk com­mand or an equiv­a­lent. If you are us­ing a whole disk de­vice for your phys­i­cal vol­ume, the disk must have no par­ti­tion ta­ble. Any ex­ist­ing par­ti­tion ta­ble must be erased, which will ef­fec­tive­ly de­stroy all da­ta on that disk. You can re­move an ex­ist­ing par­ti­tion ta­ble us­ing the wipefs ‑a <Phys­i­calVol­ume>` com­mand as root.

Dis­play PV

pvdis­play – Dis­play var­i­ous at­trib­ut­es of phys­i­cal volume(s). pvdis­play shows the at­trib­ut­es of PVs, like size, phys­i­cal ex­tent size, space used for the VG de­scrip­tor area, etc.

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/nvme0n1p3
VG Name               vg_name
PV Size               <930.54 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
Allocatable           yes 
PE Size               4.00 MiB
Total PE              238216
Free PE               155272
Allocated PE          82944
PV UUID               BKK3Cm-CAzY-rNah-o3Ox-L7FY-aNIY-ysUSIL

pvs – Dis­play in­for­ma­tion about phys­i­cal vol­umes. pvs is a pre­ferred al­ter­na­tive of pvdis­play that shows the same in­for­ma­tion and more, us­ing a more com­pact and con­fig­urable out­put for­mat.

PV             VG        Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree  
/dev/nvme0n1p3 vg_name   lvm2 a--  930.53g 626.53g

The com­mand ls­blk al­so out­puts use­ful in­for­ma­tion about PV-VG-LV re­la­tions.

lsblk -M
       NAME                                  MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS
       nvme0n1                               259:0   0 931.5G  0 disk 
       ├─nvme0n1p1                           259:1   0   512M  0 part /boot/efi
       ├─nvme0n1p2                           259:2   0   488M  0 part /boot
       └─nvme0n1p3                           259:3   0 930.5G  0 part 
   ┌─>   ├─vg-lv_1-real                      254:0   0   60G  0 lvm  
   │     │ └─vg-lv_1                         254:1   0   60G  0 lvm  /
┌─>│     ├─vg-lv_2-real                      254:2   0   60G  0 lvm  
│  │     │ └─vg-lv_2                         254:7   0   60G  0 lvm  /home
└┬>│     ├─vg-lv_2_ss_at_date_220912-cow     254:3   0   60G  0 lvm  
 │ └┬>   ├─vg-lv_1_ss_at_date_220908-cow     254:4   0   60G  0 lvm  
 │  │    └─vg-swap_1                         254:6   0    4G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
 │  └──vg-lv_1_ss_at_date_220908             254:5   0   60G  0 lvm  
 └─────vg-lv_2_ss_at_date_220912             254:9   0   60G  0 lvm

pvs­can – List all phys­i­cal vol­umes. The pvs­can com­mand scans all sup­port­ed LVM block de­vices in the sys­tem for phys­i­cal vol­umes. You can de­fine a fil­ter in the lvm.conf file so that this com­mand avoids scan­ning spe­cif­ic phys­i­cal vol­umes.

PV /dev/nvme0n1p3   VG vg_name         lvm2 [930.53 GiB / 566.53 GiB free]
Total: 1 [930.53 GiB] / in use: 1 [930.53 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]

Cre­ate PV

The phys­i­cal vol­ume could be cre­at­ed on the en­tire dri­ve or on a par­ti­tion. It is prefer­able to par­ti­tion the disk – cre­ate a sin­gle par­ti­tion that cov­ers the whole disk to la­bel as an LVM phys­i­cal vol­ume, – oth­er­wise some tools like CloneZil­la wont han­dle the dri­ve cor­rect­ly when LVM is in­stalled di­rect­ly on the dri­ve (with­out par­ti­tion­ing), etc.. How to par­ti­tion the disk from the CLI is de­scribed in the ar­ti­cle Lin­ux Ba­sic Par­ti­tion­ing.

Cre­ate Phys­i­cals vol­ume by the par­ti­tion /​​​dev/​​​nvme0n1p3.

pvcreate /dev/nvme0n1p3
Physical volume "/dev/nvme0n1p3" successfully created.

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: Cre­ate Phys­i­cals vol­ume by the par­ti­tion /​​​dev/​​​vda1 and /​​​dev/​​​vdb1.

pvcreate /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb1
Physical volume "/dev/vda1" successfully created.
Physical volume "/dev/vdb1" successfully created.

Re­move PV

If a de­vice is no longer re­quired for use by LVM, you can re­move the LVM la­bel by us­ing the pvre­move com­mand. Ex­e­cut­ing the pvre­move com­mand ze­roes the LVM meta­da­ta on an emp­ty phys­i­cal vol­ume.

pvremove /dev/nvme0n2p1
Labels on physical volume "/dev/nvme0n2p1" successfully wiped.

Then use pvs and ver­i­fy if the re­quired vol­ume is re­moved. If the phys­i­cal vol­ume you want to re­move is cur­rent­ly part of a vol­ume group, you must re­move it from the vol­ume group with the vgre­duce com­mand. For more in­for­ma­tion, see Re­mov­ing phys­i­cal vol­umes from a vol­ume group.

Vol­ume Groups (VG)

A vol­ume group (VG) is a col­lec­tion of phys­i­cal vol­umes (PVs), which cre­ates a pool of disk space out of which log­i­cal vol­umes (LVs) can be al­lo­cat­ed.

With­in a vol­ume group, the disk space avail­able for al­lo­ca­tion is di­vid­ed in­to units of a fixed-size called ex­tents. An ex­tent is the small­est unit of space that can be al­lo­cat­ed. With­in a phys­i­cal vol­ume, ex­tents are re­ferred to as phys­i­cal ex­tents.

A log­i­cal vol­ume is al­lo­cat­ed in­to log­i­cal ex­tents of the same size as the phys­i­cal ex­tents. The ex­tent size is thus the same for all log­i­cal vol­umes in the vol­ume group. The vol­ume group maps the log­i­cal ex­tents to phys­i­cal ex­tents.

Dis­play VG

vgdis­play – Dis­play vol­ume group in­for­ma­tion. The vgdis­play com­mand dis­plays vol­ume group prop­er­ties such as size, ex­tents, num­ber of phys­i­cal vol­umes, and oth­er op­tions in a fixed form. If you do not spec­i­fy a vol­ume group, all ex­ist­ing vol­ume groups are dis­played.

--- Volume group ---
VG Name               vg_name
System ID             
Format                lvm2
Metadata Areas        1
Metadata Sequence No  19
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             resizable
MAX LV                0
Cur LV                6
Open LV               4
Max PV                0
Cur PV                1
Act PV                1
VG Size               930.53 GiB
PE Size               4.00 MiB
Total PE              238216
Alloc PE / Size       93184 / 364.00 GiB
Free  PE / Size       145032 / 566.53 GiB
VG UUID               NWWfr6-xxfN-0d22-muPn-Rgqj-vAcA-z5P5jV

The fol­low­ing ex­am­ple shows the out­put of the vgdis­play com­mand for the vol­ume group vg_​​​name.

vgdisplay vg_name

vgs – Dis­play in­for­ma­tion about vol­ume groups. It is a pre­ferred al­ter­na­tive of vgdis­play that shows the same in­for­ma­tion and more, us­ing a more com­pact and con­fig­urable out­put for­mat.

VG        #PV  #LV  #SN  Attr    VSize    VFree  
vg_name     1    6    2  wz--n-  930.53g  566.53g

vgscan – Search for all vol­ume groups. vgscan scans all sup­port­ed LVM block de­vices in the sys­tem for VGs.

Found volume group "vg_name" using metadata type lvm2

Cre­ate VG

Cre­ate Vol­ume group named vg_​​​name by us­ing the /​​​dev/​​​nvme0n1p3 Phys­i­cal vol­ume.

vgcreate vg_name /dev/nvme0n1p3
Volume group "vg_name" successfully created.

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: Cre­ate Vol­ume group named another_​​​vg by us­ing /​​​dev/​​​vda1 and /​​​dev/​​​vdb1 Phys­i­cal vol­umes.

vgcreate another_vg /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb1
Volume group "another_vg" successfully created.

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: Cre­ate a new phys­i­cal vol­ume and then a new vol­ume group on new­ly at­tached block de­vice – in this case /​​​dev/​​​sdc.

lsblk                      # check
pvcreat /dev/sdbc          # crate phisical volume
vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdbc # create volume group
vgdisplay                  # check

Ex­tend VG

vgextend – Add phys­i­cal vol­umes to a vol­ume group. vgextend adds one or more PVs to a VG. This in­creas­es the space avail­able for LVs in the VG. Al­so, PVs that have gone miss­ing and then re­turned, e.g. due to a tran­sient de­vice fail­ure, can be added back to the VG with­out re-ini­tial­iz­ing them (see --restore­missing).

If the spec­i­fied PVs have not yet been ini­tial­ized with pvcreate, vgextend will ini­tial­ize them. In this case pvcreate op­tions can be used, e.g. --label­sector, --meta­data­size, --meta­data­ignore, --pv­meta­data­copies, --data­align­ment, --data­align­ment­offset.

Ex­am­ple 1: Oc­cu­py a par­ti­tion that is not yet de­fined as Phys­i­cal vol­ume.

vgextend vg_name /dev/nvme0n2p1
Physical volume "/dev/nvme0n2p1" successfully created.
Volume group "vg_name" successfully extended.

Ex­am­ple 2: Cre­ate a new Phys­i­cal vol­ume and then ex­tend an ex­ist­ing Vol­ume group named another_​​​vg.

lsblk							# Check the devices
pvcreat /dev/sdb		    # Create a Phisical volume at /dev/sdb
pvdisplay					# Check the list of the Phisical volumes
vgextend another_vg /dev/sdb 	# Extend the existing VG to occupy the new PV
df -hT							# Check the list of the available devices
vgdisplay					# Check the VGs information

Merge VG: Com­bine VGs

vg­merge – Merge vol­ume groups. To com­bine two vol­ume groups in­to a sin­gle vol­ume group, use the vg­merge com­mand. You can merge an in­ac­tive "source" vol­ume with an ac­tive or an in­ac­tive "des­ti­na­tion" vol­ume if the phys­i­cal ex­tent sizes of the vol­ume are equal and the phys­i­cal and log­i­cal vol­ume sum­maries of both vol­ume groups fit in­to the des­ti­na­tion vol­ume groups lim­its.

Merge the in­ac­tive vol­ume group another_​​​vg in­to the ac­tive or in­ac­tive vol­ume group vg_​​​name giv­ing ver­bose run­time in­for­ma­tion.

vgmerge -v vg_name another_vg

Re­duce VG: Re­move PVs from a VG

vgre­duce – Re­move phys­i­cal volume(s) from a vol­ume group. The vgre­duce com­mand shrinks a vol­ume group’s ca­pac­i­ty by re­mov­ing one or more emp­ty phys­i­cal vol­umes. This frees those phys­i­cal vol­umes to be used in dif­fer­ent vol­ume groups or to be re­moved from the sys­tem.

1. If the Phys­i­cal vol­ume is still be­ing used, mi­grate the da­ta to an­oth­er Phys­i­cal vol­ume from the same Vol­ume group by pv­move.

pvmove /dev/vdb3
/dev/vdb3: Moved: 2.0%
...v/vdb3: Moved: 79...
/dev/vdb3: Moved: 100.0%

2. If there are no enough free ex­tents on the oth­er phys­i­cal vol­umes in the ex­ist­ing vol­ume group.

pvcreate /dev/vdb4           # Create a new physical volume from /dev/vdb4
vgextend vg_name /dev/vdb4   # Add the newly created PV to the vg_name VG
pvmove /dev/vdb3 /dev/vdb4   # Move the data from /dev/vdb3 to /dev/vdb4

3. Re­move the phys­i­cal vol­ume /​​​dev/​​​vdb3 from the vol­ume group.

pvmove /dev/vdb3

4. Ver­i­fy if the /​​​dev/​​​vdb3 phys­i­cal vol­ume is re­moved from the vg_​​​name vol­ume group by the help of pvs.

Split VG

vgsplit – Move phys­i­cal vol­umes in­to a new or ex­ist­ing vol­ume group. More de­tails at Red Hat's man­u­al – sec­tion Split­ting a LVM vol­ume group.

vgsplit myvg yourvg /dev/vdb3
Volume group "yourvg" successfully split from "myvg"

Re­name VG

vgrename – Re­name a vol­ume group. vgchange – Change vol­ume group at­trib­ut­es.

vgchange --activate n vg_name            # Deactivate the volume group
vgrename vg_name new_vg_name             # Rename an existing volume group
vgrename /dev/vg_name /dev/new_vg_name   # Rename by specifying the full paths to the devices

Re­name vol­ume group by UUID: This is use­ful when you have at­tached to the sys­tem a de­vice that have a VG with the same name as one al­ready ex­ist­ing. Use vgdis­play to iden­ti­fy the tar­get vol­ume group and its UUID.

vgrename ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox old_pve
WARNING: VG name "pve" is used by VGs "ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox" and "hXgkkq-MdYE-dobE-VPrC-0c6f-p5Oi-L4XEZu".
Fix duplicate VG names with vgrename uuid, a device filter, or system IDs.
Processing VG pve because of matching UUID ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox
Volume group "ZTIHAQ-rFck-3IEK-V2mx-mckk-R1zJ-nNKWox" successfully renamed to "old_pve"

Re­move VG

vgre­move – Re­move vol­ume group(s). vgre­move re­moves one or more VGs. If LVs ex­ist in the VG, a prompt is used to con­firm LV re­moval.

If one or more PVs in the VG are lost, con­sid­er vgreduce --remove­missing to make the VG meta­da­ta con­sis­tent again. Re­peat the force op­tion (-ff) to forcibly re­move LVs in the VG with­out con­fir­ma­tion.

Log­i­cal Vol­umes (LV)

A log­i­cal vol­ume is a vir­tu­al, block stor­age de­vice that a file sys­tem, data­base, or ap­pli­ca­tion can use. To cre­ate an LVM log­i­cal vol­ume, the phys­i­cal vol­umes (PVs) are com­bined in­to a vol­ume group (VG). This cre­ates a pool of disk space out of which LVM log­i­cal vol­umes (LVs) can be al­lo­cat­ed.

An ad­min­is­tra­tor can grow or shrink log­i­cal vol­umes with­out de­stroy­ing da­ta, un­like stan­dard disk par­ti­tions. If the phys­i­cal vol­umes in a vol­ume group are on sep­a­rate dri­ves or RAID ar­rays, then ad­min­is­tra­tors can al­so spread a log­i­cal vol­ume across the stor­age de­vices.

The fol­low­ing are the dif­fer­ent types of log­i­cal vol­umes (more de­tails):

  • Lin­ear vol­umes
  • Striped log­i­cal vol­umes
  • RAID log­i­cal vol­umes
  • Thin-pro­vi­sioned log­i­cal vol­umes (thin vol­umes) – Us­ing thin-pro­vi­sioned log­i­cal vol­umes, you can cre­ate log­i­cal vol­umes that are larg­er than the avail­able phys­i­cal stor­age…
  • Snap­shot vol­umes
  • Thin-pro­vi­sioned snap­shot vol­umes
  • Cache vol­umes

Cre­ate LV

lvcre­ate – Cre­ate LVM log­i­cal vol­ume at lvm-vm-group:

lvcreate -n vm-win-01 -L 60g lvm-vm-group
Logical volume "vm-win-01" created.
  • vm-win-01 is the name of the log­i­cal vol­ume (de­vice), it is mater of your choice.

Check the re­sult:

 lsblk | grep -P 'sdb|lvm'
├─sdb1                           8:17   0     1G  0 part
└─sdb2                           8:18   0 231.9G  0 part
  └─lvm--vm--group-vm--win--01 253:0    0    60G  0 lvm

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: For Re­cov­er­ing PVE from grub "disk not found" er­ror when boot­ing from LVM by cre­at­ing 4MiB LV.

lvcreate -L 4M pve -n grubtemp
  • As­sume you have pve vol­ume group.
  • grubtemp is the name of the new log­i­cal vol­ume (LV).

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: Cre­ate a new log­i­cal vol­ume and for­mat it as Ext4, and mount it per­ma­nent­ly via /​​​etc/​​​fstab by its UUID.

lvcreate vg_name -L 50G -n lv_name    # create 50GB logical volume 		
lvdisplay                             # check
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name # format the logical folume as Ext4
mount /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name /mnt/volume # Mount it manually
df -h /mnt/volume                             # Check
umount /mnt/volume
blkid /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
/dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name: UUID="6cb60ea8-d45e..." BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
nano /etc/fstab
UUID=6cb60ea8-d4... /mnt/volume  ext4  defaults  0 2

An­oth­er ex­am­ple: Cre­ate a new log­i­cal vol­ume and for­mat it as Swap, and mount it per­ma­nent­ly via /​​​etc/​​​fstab. by vg_​​​name/​​​lv_​​​name.

lvcreate vg_name -L 16G -n swap_1 # create 16GB logical volume 		
lvdisplay                         # check
mkswap /dev/mapper/vg_name-swap_1 # format the logical folume as Swap
swapon /dev/mapper/vg_name-swap_1
nano /etc/fstab
/dev/vg_name/swap_1  none  swap  sw  0 0

Re­name LV

lvre­name – Re­name a log­i­cal vol­ume.

umount /mnt/my-lv-mount-point
lvrename my-volume-group my-lv-prev my-lv-new

Al­ter­na­tive­ly you can re­name LV by its full path.

lvrename /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-prev /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-new

Re­move LV

lvre­move – Re­move log­i­cal volume(s) from the sys­tem.

If the log­i­cal vol­ume is cur­rent­ly mount­ed, un­mount the vol­ume.

umount /mnt/my-lv-name-mount-point

If the log­i­cal vol­ume ex­ists in a clus­tered en­vi­ron­ment, de­ac­ti­vate the log­i­cal vol­ume on all nodes where it is ac­tive. Use the fol­low­ing com­mand on each such node.

lvchange --activate n my-volume-group/my-lv-name

Re­move the log­i­cal vol­ume us­ing the lvre­move util­i­ty.

lvremove /dev/my-volume-group/my-lv-name
Do you really want to remove active logical volume my-volume-group/my-lv-name? [y/n]: y
  Logical volume "my-lv-name" successfully removed

Re­size LV (extend|reduce)

lvre­size – Re­size a log­i­cal vol­ume. lvre­size re­sizes an LV in the same way as lvex­tend and lvre­duce

Ex­am­ple 0: Re­size (Ex­tend) an LV by 16MB us­ing spe­cif­ic phys­i­cal ex­tents.

lvresize -L+16M vg1/lv1 /dev/sda:0-1 /dev/sdb:0-1

Ex­am­ple 1: Ex­tend a log­i­cal vol­ume by 10GiB and re­size the file-sys­tem man­u­al­ly. (note there mus have enough free space in the vol­ume group where the ex­ist­ing LV is lo­cat­ed.

lvextend -L +10G /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
rsize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted

Ex­am­ple 2: Ex­tend a log­i­cal vol­ume, oc­cu­py 100% of the avail­able space in the VG and re­size the file-sys­tem in the same time.

lvextend --reziefs -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted

Ex­am­ple 3: Re­duce (Resize|Shrink) the LV and its file-sys­tem (from larg­er size) to ex­act­ly 60GiB. Note this may be dan­ger­ous an you may need to take a back­up of the file-sys­tem be­fore do it.

lvreduce --resizefs -L 60G vg_name/lv_name
df -h # To see the changes if the LV is mounted

Snap­shots of Log­i­cal Vol­umes

Us­ing the LVM snap­shot fea­ture, you can cre­ate vir­tu­al im­ages of a vol­ume, for ex­am­ple, /​​​dev/​​​sda, at a par­tic­u­lar in­stant with­out caus­ing a ser­vice in­ter­rup­tion.

When you mod­i­fy the orig­i­nal vol­ume (the ori­gin) af­ter you take a snap­shot, the snap­shot fea­ture makes a copy of the mod­i­fied da­ta area as it was pri­or to the change so that it can re­con­struct the state of the vol­ume. When you cre­ate a snap­shot, full read and write ac­cess to the ori­gin stays pos­si­ble.…

Cre­ate a Snap­shot

lvcre­ate – Cre­ate a log­i­cal vol­ume.

  • -s, --snapshot – Cre­ate a snap­shot. Snap­shots pro­vide a "frozen im­age" of an ori­gin LV. The snap­shot LV can be used, e.g. for back­ups, while the ori­gin LV con­tin­ues to be used. This op­tion can cre­ate a COW (copy on write) snap­shot, or a thin snap­shot (in a thin pool.) Thin snap­shots are cre­at­ed when the ori­gin is a thin LV and the size op­tion is NOT spec­i­fied.
  • -n, --name – Spec­i­fies the name of a new LV. When un­spec­i­fied, a de­fault name of lvol# is gen­er­at­ed, where # is a num­ber gen­er­at­ed by LVM.

Cre­ate 5GB snap­shot of a log­i­cal vol­ume named lv_​​​name from vol­ume group named vg_​​​name.

lvcreate /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name -L 5G -s -n lv_name_ss_at_date_$(date +%y%m%d)
LV                         VG        Attr       LSize   Pool Origin    Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
lv_name                    vg_name owi-aos---  60.00g                                                    
lv_name_ss_at_date_220908  vg_name swi-a-s---   5.00g        lv_name   0.01

Mount a Snap­shot

The snap­shot could be mount­ed in or­der to fetch files in their snap­shot state. In this case it is good to mount them in read on­ly mode.

mkdir /mnt/snapshot
mount -r /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908 /mnt/snapshot

You can use a mount­ed snap­shot (of the root filesys­tem) to cre­ate a back­up while the OS is run­ning:

Re­store a Snap­shot

Note af­ter the restor­ing of a snap­shot with merge op­tion in use the snap­shot will be re­moved, so you must cre­ate an­oth­er snap­shot for a lat­er use of the same state of the log­i­cal vol­ume.

For restor­ing a snap­shot we will need to use the com­mands lv­con­vert and lvchange.

Lv­Con­vert: Con­vert-merge the snap­shot with the source LV

lv­con­vert – Change log­i­cal vol­ume lay­out.

  • --merge – An alias for --mergethin, --mergemirrors, or --mergesnapshot, de­pend­ing on the type of LV (log­i­cal vol­ume).
  • --mergesnapshot – Merge COW snap­shot LV in­to its ori­gin. When merg­ing a snap­shot, if both the ori­gin and snap­shot LVs are not open, the merge will start im­me­di­ate­ly. Oth­er­wise, the merge will start the first time ei­ther the ori­gin or snap­shot LV are ac­ti­vat­ed and both are closed. Merg­ing a snap­shot in­to an ori­gin that can­not be closed, for ex­am­ple a root filesys­tem, is de­ferred un­til the next time the ori­gin vol­ume is ac­ti­vat­ed. When merg­ing starts, the re­sult­ing LV will have the origin's name, mi­nor num­ber and UUID. While the merge is in progress, reads or writes to the ori­gin ap­pear as be­ing di­rect­ed to the snap­shot be­ing merged. When the merge fin­ish­es, the merged snap­shot is re­moved. Mul­ti­ple snap­shots may be spec­i­fied on the com­mand line or a @tag may be used to spec­i­fy mul­ti­ple snap­shots be merged to their re­spec­tive ori­gin.
umount  /lv_name-mountpoint
lvconvert --merge /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908

If it is a root filesys­tem, and the source log­i­cal vol­ume is not op­er­a­tional at all, we need to boot in live Lin­ux ses­sion in or­der to per­form the steps, be­cause it must be un­mount­ed. It it is not a root filesys­tem, we need to un­mount the log­i­cal vol­ume first.

LvChange: De­ac­ti­vate, re­ac­ti­vate and re­mount the LV

lvchange – Change the at­trib­ut­es of log­i­cal volume(s).

  • -a|, --activate y|n|ay – Change the ac­tive state of LVs. An ac­tive LV can be used through a block de­vice, al­low­ing da­ta on the LV to be ac­cessed. y makes LVs ac­tive, or avail­able. n makes LVs in­ac­tive, or un­avail­able…
lvchange -an /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name
lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name -K

If we are work­ing with­in a live Lin­ux ses­sion – i.e. we are restor­ing a root filesys­tem, – these steps will be per­formed at the next re­boot. Oth­er­wise we need to run the fol­low­ing steps in or­der to ap­ply the changes with­out re­boot.

mount -a   # remount via /etc/fstab
df -h           # list the mounted devices

Re­move a Snap­shot

lvre­move – Re­move log­i­cal volume(s) from the sys­tem.

lvremove /dev/vg_name/lv_name_ss_at_date_220908
lvremove /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name_ss_at_date_220908

Thin Vol­umes, En­able Caching and Cre­ate Meth­ods…

