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Setup the guest VM as it is shown at {{Media-cite|v|1}}. We will not perform a clean installation but will import a KVM image with Window 11 which is setup to use [[:File:Tesla-K20X-BD-06397-001-v07.pdf|NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm]] as primary GPU via RDP. So after the creation of the VM we have to do few more steps before start it.
Setup the guest VM as it is shown at {{Media-cite|v|1}}. We will not perform a clean installation but will import a KVM image with Window 11 which is setup to use [[:File:Tesla-K20X-BD-06397-001-v07.pdf|NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm]] as primary GPU via RDP. So after the creation of the VM we have to do few more steps before start it.

''How to isolate the GPU, at the PVM host's side, to be ready for passthrough is described in the article [[PVE IOMMU Isolation for Passthrough]] and move details are provided in the article [[KVM and GPU Passthrough to Windows VM]].''
''How to isolate the GPU, at the PVM host's side, to be ready for passthrough is described in the article [[PVE IOMMU Isolation for Passthrough]] and move details are provided in the article [[QEMU/KVM and GPU Passthrough in Details|KVM and GPU Passthrough to Windows VM]].''

UEFI BIOS is recommended for GPU pass­th­rou­gh at all but required for Windows 11. The TPM option is also mandatory for Windows 11.
UEFI BIOS is recommended for GPU pass­th­rou­gh at all but required for Windows 11. The TPM option is also mandatory for Windows 11.

Latest revision as of 19:46, 10 November 2024

Set­up the Vir­tu­al Ma­chine

Video 1. Setup Proxmox VM for Windows 11 guest imported from KVM with GPU passthrough.
Video 1. Set­up Prox­mox VM for Win­dows 11 guest im­port­ed from KVM with GPU passthrough.

Set­up the guest VM as it is shown at Video 1. We will not per­form a clean in­stal­la­tion but will im­port a KVM im­age with Win­dow 11 which is set­up to use NVIDIA Tes­la K20Xm as pri­ma­ry GPU via RDP. So af­ter the cre­ation of the VM we have to do few more steps be­fore start it.

How to iso­late the GPU, at the PVM host's side, to be ready for passthrough is de­scribed in the ar­ti­cle PVE IOM­MU Iso­la­tion for Passthrough and move de­tails are pro­vid­ed in the ar­ti­cle KVM and GPU Passthrough to Win­dows VM.

UE­FI BIOS is rec­om­mend­ed for GPU pass­th­rou­gh at all but re­quired for Win­dows 11. The TPM op­tion is al­so manda­to­ry for Win­dows 11.

Ac­tu­al­ly, the disk im­age cre­at­ed at Video 1 has been delet­ed – let's re­mem­bered we will im­port an ex­ist­ing KVM Im­age – but with this ap­proach we've re­served the name vm-205-disk‑0 for the pri­ma­ry VM's im­age. The CPU type host is im­por­tant to al­low vir­tu­al­iza­tion at the guest side – for WSL2 in the cur­rent case.

Con­vert the KVM Im­age in­to a Prox­mox Im­age

Cre­ate an new VM on Prox­mox VE (al­ready done) and add the ex­ist­ing disk im­age to this new VM (this step), set the boot or­der and start source.

qm importdisk 205 Windows.11.img local-lvm
importing disk 'Windows.11.img' to VM 205 ...
  Logical volume "vm-205-disk-0" created.
    ...this takes a while...
transferred 60.0 GiB of 60.0 GiB (100.00%)
Successfully imported disk as 'unused0:local-lvm:vm-205-disk-0'

In the above com­mand:

  • 205 is the id of the VM.
  • Windows.11.img is the im­age that was cre­at­ed be­fore.
  • lo­cal-lvm is the name of a stor­age as list­ed in pvesm sta­tus.

qm im­port­disk adds the im­age as un­used disk to the vir­tu­al ma­chine. Thus, mak­ing it the boot disk is still nec­es­sary.

qm set 205 --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-205-disk-0
update VM 205: -scsi0 local-lvm:vm-205-disk-0

Fine tun­ing of the Con­fig­u­ra­tion file

Mod­i­fy and add the lines marked in the above snip­pet. Note 205 is the id of the vir­tu­al ma­chine. When the file is saved the rel­e­vant changes will be au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ap­plied and up­dat­ed with­in the Proxmox's WEB GUI.

nano /etc/pve/qemu-server/205.conf
agent: 1,fstrim_cloned_disks=1
args: -cpu 'host,+kvm_pv_unhalt,+kvm_pv_eoi,hv_vendor_id=NV43FIX,kvm=off'
bios: ovmf
boot: order=scsi0
cores: 4
cpu: host,hidden=1,flags=+pcid
efidisk0: local-lvm:vm-205-disk-1,efitype=4m,pre-enrolled-keys=1,size=4M
hostpci0: 0000:02:00,pcie=1
ide2: none,media=cdrom
localtime: 1
machine: pc-q35-6.1
memory: 4096
meta: creation-qemu=6.1.0,ctime=1647272520
name: Windows.11
net0: e1000=62:42:2D:03:C4:C9,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
numa: 0
ostype: win11
scsi0: local-lvm:vm-205-disk-0,discard=on,size=60G
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=ec286656-a060-42c5-956c-099feba059ab
sockets: 1
tpmstate0: local-lvm:vm-205-disk-2,size=4M,version=v2.0
vmgenid: f45ed16c-d22b-4d3d-b4d7-68cb0438fe48
