RDP use Remmina with Windows Account (refs): Difference between revisions

From WikiMLT
m (Стадий: 4 [Фаза:Авторизиране, Статус:Разработен]; Категория:Virtual Machines)
m (Стадий: 5 [Фаза:Утвърждаване, Статус:Авторизиран]; Категория:Virtual Machines)
Line 20: Line 20:
  | Прндл1 = Linux_Desktop
  | Прндл1 = Linux_Desktop
  | Прндл2 = Windows_Desktop
  | Прндл2 = Windows_Desktop
  | Стадий = 4
  | Стадий = 5
  | Фаза  = Авторизиране
  | Фаза  = Утвърждаване
  | Статус = Разработен
  | Статус = Авторизиран
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | ИдтПт  = Spas
  | РзбПт  = Spas
  | РзбПт  = Spas
  | АвтПт  = {{REVISIONUSER}}
  | АвтПт = Spas
  | ИдтДт  = 14.08.2022
  | ИдтДт  = 14.08.2022
  | РзбДт  = 14.08.2022
  | РзбДт  = 14.08.2022
  | АвтДт  = {{Today}}
  | АвтДт = 14.08.2022
| УтвДт = {{Today}}
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30158|30158]]
  | ИдтРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30158|30158]]
  | РзбРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30164|30164]]
  | РзбРв  = [[Special:Permalink/30164|30164]]
  | АвтРв  = {{REVISIONID}}
  | АвтРв = [[Special:Permalink/30165|30165]]
| УтвРв = {{REVISIONID}}

Revision as of 10:58, 14 August 2022

The Prob­lem

The prob­lem is il­lus­trat­ed with­in the top­ic Can't con­nect to a Win­dows 10 ma­chine through RDP in Lin­ux at Su­per User. In short: When you are try­ing to use Rem­mi­na to log-in in to a Win­dows ma­chine with Win­dows' ac­count Remmina's au­then­ti­ca­tion di­a­logue keep ask­ing for user­name and pass­word.

This prob­lem doesn't hap­pen when you are us­ing a lo­cal Win­dows' ac­count.

The So­lu­tion

In my case the sim­plest so­lu­tion was (source): Log-in in to the Mi­crosoft Ac­count on the tar­get ma­chine with the Pass­word (not PIN or fin­ger­print) to the Mi­crosoft Ac­count once. Af­ter that, I can RDP in­to the ma­chine by us­ing the cre­den­tials of the Mi­crosoft Ac­count with­out er­rors.
