GIMP Blend Photo: Difference between revisions

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Spas (talk | contribs)
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Spas (talk | contribs)
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Here is shown how to create semi-ransparent image by the Blend tool in GIMP. The next video is just 50 seconds tutorial.
Here is shown how to create semi-transparent image by the Blend tool in GIMP. The next video is just 50 seconds tutorial.
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Latest revision as of 20:02, 27 September 2022

Here is shown how to cre­ate se­mi-trans­par­ent im­age by the Blend tool in GIMP. The next video is just 50 sec­onds tu­to­r­i­al.

Video 1. GIMP Photo Editing: Create a Photo Blend with the Gradient Tool by Spas Z. Spasov.
Video 1. GIMP Pho­to Edit­ing: Cre­ate a Pho­to Blend with the Gra­di­ent Tool by Spas Z. Spasov.

More de­tails and tech­niques are well ex­plained in the next video.

Video 2. GIMP Photo Editing: Create a Photo Blend with the Gradient Tool by Davies Media Design.
Video 2. GIMP Pho­to Edit­ing: Cre­ate a Pho­to Blend with the Gra­di­ent Tool by Davies Me­dia De­sign.