Bash: Run Script on the Fly: Difference between revisions

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m (Стадий: 3 [Фаза:Разработване, Статус:Разработван]; Категория:Linux Server)
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== References ==

* ...
== Example ==
The <code>curl</code> command below will fetch the installation script from the repository [] and by the help of the file substitution operator <code><()</code> the output of curl will be executed via <code>bash</code>.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
bash <(curl -s

* ...
== References ==

== Section 1 ==
* Stack Overflow: [ Execute bash script from URL]


Revision as of 00:39, 28 September 2022


The curl com­mand be­low will fetch the in­stal­la­tion script from the repos­i­to­ry github​.com/​m​r​b​v​r​z​/​s​e​g​o​e​–​u​i​–​linux and by the help of the file sub­sti­tu­tion op­er­a­tor <() the out­put of curl will be ex­e­cut­ed via bash.

bash <(curl -s
