MediaWiki Job Queue: Difference between revisions

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sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --type cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --type cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="code-continue">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell-session" class="code-continue">
2    # the number of the pending jobs
2    # the number of the pending jobs for the specified type
</syntaxhighlight>If it is a wiki family, you may need to specify the <code>$wikiId</code>, like below.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="code-continue">
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --wiki="${wikiId}"

Revision as of 14:55, 5 March 2023

I'm writ­ing this ar­ti­cle at the time while mi­grat­ing this wi­ki from Me­di­aWi­ki ver­sion 1.38 to ver­sion 1.39. Ac­cord­ing to the Cir­rusSearch extension's page and I was in need to mi­grate from Elas­tic­search ver­sion 6.8.23 to ver­sion 7.10.2.

So af­ter in­stalling Elas­tic­search ver­sion 7.10.2, in­stead fol­low­ing the Up­grade man­u­al I've Re­build the Elas­tic­search da­ta from scratch which leads me to an in­fi­nite MediaWiki's Job queue. For this rea­son I was need to get much fa­mil­iar with the MediaWiki's main­te­nance scripts re­lat­ed the Job queue.


The en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables used in the fol­low­ing com­mands.

IP="/var/www/" # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
OWNER="www-data"               # The user that owns the $IP directory
BRANCH="REL1_39"               # The MediaWiki's branch in use

Show Jobs

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --group
cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized: 2 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
htmlCacheUpdate: 4 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
recentChangesUpdate: 1 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
refreshLinksDynamic: 7 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --group
cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized MediaWiki_Job_Queue addedLinks=[] removedLinks=[] prioritize=1 cluster= namespace=0 title=MediaWiki_Job_Queue requestId=ZASOXkzdk5n0fxsD5JVbLgAAQRA (id=6794955,timestamp=20230305124311) status=unclaimed
htmlCacheUpdate MediaWiki_Job_Queue table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=fcd541151cba4e3ac5b300da797a3163c93407bc rootJobTimestamp=20230305124311 causeAction=page-edit namespace=0 title=MediaWiki_Job_Queue requestId=ZASOXkzdk5n0fxsD5JVbLgAAQRA causeAgent=unknown (id=6794956,timestamp=20230305124311) status=unclaimed
recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate namespace=-1 title=RecentChanges requestId=ZASOUUzdk5n0fxsD5JVa-QAAUQs (id=6794954,timestamp=20230305124307) status=unclaimed
refreshLinksDynamic Kali_Linux_Install_GUFW_(gui-ufw) isOpportunistic=1 rootJobTimestamp=20230305121652 namespace=0 title=Kali_Linux_Install_GUFW_(gui-ufw) requestId=ZASIM9BBdr0qUp1CuMirLwAAABA causeAction=unknown causeAgent=unknown (id=6794945,timestamp=20230305121653) status=unclaimed
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --type cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized
2    # the number of the pending jobs for the specified type

If it is a wi­ki fam­i­ly, you may need to spec­i­fy the $wiki­Id, like be­low.

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --wiki="${wikiId}"
