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== Create Custom Desktop Launchers ==
== Create Custom Desktop Launchers ==
The final step is to create modified desktop launcher(s) for Viber which uses the script presented above. You can modify directly directly <code>/usr/share/applications/viber.desktop</code>, but I prefer to create a local copy within my user's home directory.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
The final step is to create modified desktop launcher(s) for Viber which uses the script presented above. You can modify directly directly <code>/usr/share/applications/viber.desktop</code>, but I prefer to create a local copy within my user's home directory.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1" highlight="4">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1" highlight="4" class="mlw-continue">
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Entry]
Line 74: Line 75:
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/
</syntaxhighlight>Thus the wrapper script will be used when you launch Viber from within the Applications menu in Gnome. In order to ad an icont to the user's desktop copy the launcher there.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
Thus the wrapper script will be used when you launch Viber from within the Applications menu in Gnome. In order to ad an icont to the user's desktop copy the launcher there.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 22:14, 18 August 2022

This ap­proach of Viber set­up is test­ed with Kali Lin­ux 2022.04.

Down­load and in­stall Viber

Down­load the Viber's .deb pack­age and in­stall it.

wget https://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/viber.deb -O ~/Downloads/viber.deb
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/viber.deb

Cre­ate a Fake 'us-pho­net­ic' Keymap

I'm us­ing Bul­gar­i­an (tra­di­tion­al pho­net­ic) key­board lay­out along­side Eng­lish (US). When I'm try­ing to start Viber when the Eng­lish is used as key­board lay­out the fol­low­ing er­ror pre­vents Viber from start.

xkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn't process include statement for 'us(phonetic)'
xkbcommon: ERROR: Abandoning symbols file "(unnamed)"
xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile xkb_symbols
xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap
[14547:14573:0818/213359.103080:FATAL:xkb_keyboard_layout_engine.cc(640)] Keymap file failed to load: us-phonetic

I do not have idea does Viber, or Gnome 42 or Kali it­self cause the prob­lem, but the eas­i­est workaround that could be ap­plied it to cre­ate a fake 'us-pho­net­ic' keymap in­to the file /​​​usr/​​​share/​​​X11/​​​xkb/​​​symbols/​​​us. Ex­e­cute the fol­low­ing code as sin­gle com­mand to do that.

cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us

// Reference: https://wiki.metalevel.tech/wiki/Kali_Linux_Install_Viber
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "phonetic" {
    include "us(basic)"
    name[Group1]= "English (US, Viber workaround by MLT)";

Fix the App In­di­ca­tor

The Viber's app in­di­ca­tor doesn't work by de­fault for a long time. The work­ing so­lu­tion is to launch it by dbus-launch.

dbus-launch /opt/viber/Viber %u

I'm us­ing the fol­low­ing wrap­per scrip that us­es al­so xdo­tool to add an op­tion to min­i­mize Viber when it is launched.

sudo nano /usr/local/bin/viber.launcher.sh && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/viber.launcher.sh

# /usr/share/applications/viber.desktop
# Exec=/usr/local/bin/viber.launcher.sh [minimized|close]

if [ "$1" = "close" ]; then
    pkill -9 Viber >/dev/null 2>&1
    dbus-launch /opt/viber/Viber %u &

    if [ "$1" = "minimized" ]; then
        sleep 2 && xdotool windowminimize "$(xdotool search --name "Viber" | tail -1)"
        # The command 'xdotool windowclose' also can be used

The script viber​.launcher​.sh can be used in the fol­low­ing ways from the com­mand-line.

viber.launcher.sh               # Launch Viber with App Indicator
viber.launcher.sh minimized     # Launch Viber minimized
viber.launcher.sh close         # Kill Viber

Cre­ate Cus­tom Desk­top Launch­ers

The fi­nal step is to cre­ate mod­i­fied desk­top launcher(s) for Viber which us­es the script pre­sent­ed above. You can mod­i­fy di­rect­ly di­rect­ly /usr/share/applications/viber.desktop, but I pre­fer to cre­ate a lo­cal copy with­in my user's home di­rec­to­ry.

nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Viber VoIP and messenger
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

Thus the wrap­per script will be used when you launch Viber from with­in the Ap­pli­ca­tions menu in Gnome. In or­der to ad an icont to the user's desk­top copy the launch­er there.

nano ~/.local/share/applications/viber.desktop
