Kali Linux Install Skype: Difference between revisions

From WikiMLT
Line 8: Line 8:
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/skype.deb
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/skype.deb
== Add Shortcut on the Desktop ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1">
cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop ~/Desktop
</syntaxhighlight>Once the above command is executed, right click on the new icon and  choice on the <code>Allow Launching</code> option.

Revision as of 11:12, 19 August 2022

Down­load and In­stall Skype for Lin­ux

Skype for Desk­top is avail­able for Win­dows, Mac OS X and Lin­ux. For Lin­ux it is avail­able as snap, .rpm, and .deb pack­age. Kali is De­bian based so we need the .deb pack­age.

wget https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb -O ~/Downloads/skype.deb
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/skype.deb

Add Short­cut on the Desk­top

cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop ~/Desktop

Once the above com­mand is ex­e­cut­ed, right click on the new icon and choice on the Al­low Launch­ing op­tion.

<div class="mlw-media-wrapper" style="width: 220px; height: Ex­pres­sion er­ror: Un­ex­pect­ed < op­er­a­tor.px;"><div class="mlw-media-image mlw-img-type-fig­ure not-in-gallery"
         data-ratio-hw='Lua error in Module:ImageData at line 56: File not found.' 
         data-base-width='220' data-base-height='Expression error: Unexpected < operator.' 
>Ex­pres­sion er­ror: Un­ex­pect­ed < op­er­a­tor.
  • Офи­ци­ал­на стра­ни­ца на: Skype for Desk­top – от тук мо­же да бъ­де сва­ле­на послед­на­та вер­сия., ка­то е въз­мож­но из­пол­з­ва­не­то на wget.
cd ~/Downloads
wget https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb
sudo dpkg -i skypeforlinux*.deb
sudo apt install -f

rm skypeforlinux*.deb

# Деинсталиране:
#sudo apt-get remove skype*

# Възстановяване на изченала икона от trybar: https://askubuntu.com/a/871037/566421
#sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386
sudo apt-get install libappindicator1
  • Стар­ти­ра­не при вли­за­не в сис­те­ма­та. По­не­же наст­рой­ка­та за ав­то­ма­тич­но стар­ти­ра­не не ра­бо­ти е съз­да­ден скрипт, кой­то се стар­ти­ра от .desk­top файл във Start­up Ap­pli­ca­tions – на Фи­гу­ра 3 са да­де­ни наст­рой­ки­те на при­ло­же­ни­е­то:
cat << EOF | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/skype.launcher && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/skype.launcher
sleep 1
killall skypeforlinux > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1
killall skypeforlinux > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 3
skypeforlinux &
sleep 5
xdotool windowminimize \$(xdotool search --name "skype" | tail -1)
cat << EOF | tee $HOME/.config/autostart/skype.launcher.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment= Launch Skype
