MediaWiki Job Queue: Difference between revisions

From WikiMLT
Spas (talk | contribs)
Spas (talk | contribs)
Line 8: Line 8:
IP="/var/www/" # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
IP="/var/www/" # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
OWNER="www-data"              # The user that owns the $IP directory
OWNER="www-data"              # The user that owns the $IP directory
</syntaxhighlight>Note, in the examples below, <code>${IP##*/}</code> is is used instead the name of the certain wiki.
==Show Jobs==
==Show Jobs==
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="code-continue">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="code-continue">
Line 49: Line 50:

== Job Queue Cron Job ==
== Job Queue Cron Job ==
Before writing this article and made the necessary investigation, I was deal with the Job queue by the following script, triggered by by a Cron job.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="code-continue">
Before writing this article and made the necessary investigation, I was deal with the Job queue by the following script, triggered by by a Cron job. <syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="code-continue">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1">
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1">
Line 63: Line 64:
# Crontab:
# Crontab:
# * * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh    >/var/log/cron.mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh.log 2>&1
# * * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh    >/var/log/cron.mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh.log 2>&1
# * * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/    >/var/log/ 2>&1

: ${IP:="/var/www/"} # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
: ${IP:="/var/www/"} # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
Line 77: Line 77:

echo ''
echo ''
echo "*"
echo '*'
echo '*'
echo "* week_$(date +%W.%Y-%m-%d_%Hh:%Mm)"
echo "* week_$(date +%W.%Y-%m-%d_%Hh:%Mm)"
Line 92: Line 91:
     sudo -u "$OWNER" /usr/bin/php -dmemory_limit=-1 $IP/maintenance/runJobs.php --conf $IP/LocalSettings.php
     sudo -u "$OWNER" /usr/bin/php -dmemory_limit=-1 $IP/maintenance/runJobs.php --conf $IP/LocalSettings.php
     echo "Another instance of ${0} is running... Skip. "
     echo "Another instance of ${0} is running... Skip."
     echo "Use 'cli' as argument to activate the CLI mode otherwise the script fallback to cron mode."
     echo "Use 'cli' as argument to activate the CLI mode otherwise the script fallback to cron mode."
     echo "Test for other instances: ${TEST_DEPTH} ?= $(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -c "$0")"
     echo "Test for other instances: ${TEST_DEPTH} ?= $(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -c "$0")"
</syntaxhighlight>Examples of the Crontab entries - with and without logging.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="code-continue" line="1">
sudo crontab -e
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1" class="code-continue mlw-shell-gray">
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh  >/dev/null 2>&1
#*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh  >/var/log/ 2>&1

</syntaxhighlight>Example for a CLI usage.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" class="code-continue">
mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh cli

Revision as of 17:58, 5 March 2023

I'm writ­ing this ar­ti­cle at the time while mi­grat­ing this wi­ki from Me­di­aWi­ki ver­sion 1.38 to ver­sion 1.39. Ac­cord­ing to the Cir­rusSearch extension's page and I was in need to mi­grate from Elas­tic­search ver­sion 6.8.23 to ver­sion 7.10.2.

So af­ter in­stalling Elas­tic­search ver­sion 7.10.2, in­stead fol­low­ing the Up­grade man­u­al I've Re­build the Elas­tic­search da­ta from scratch which leads me to an in­fi­nite MediaWiki's Job queue. For this rea­son I was need to get much fa­mil­iar with the MediaWiki's main­te­nance scripts re­lat­ed the Job queue.


The en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables used in the fol­low­ing com­mands.

IP="/var/www/" # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
OWNER="www-data"               # The user that owns the $IP directory

Note, in the ex­am­ples be­low, ${IP##*/} is is used in­stead the name of the cer­tain wi­ki.

Show Jobs

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php"
15    # The count of the all pending jobs
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --group
cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized: 2 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
htmlCacheUpdate: 4 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
recentChangesUpdate: 1 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
refreshLinksDynamic: 7 queued; 0 claimed (0 active, 0 abandoned); 0 delayed
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --group
cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized MediaWiki_Job_Queue addedLinks=[] removedLinks=[] prioritize=1 cluster= namespace=0 title=MediaWiki_Job_Queue requestId=ZASOXkzdk5n0fxsD5JVbLgAAQRA (id=6794955,timestamp=20230305124311) status=unclaimed
htmlCacheUpdate MediaWiki_Job_Queue table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=fcd541151cba4e3ac5b300da797a3163c93407bc rootJobTimestamp=20230305124311 causeAction=page-edit namespace=0 title=MediaWiki_Job_Queue requestId=ZASOXkzdk5n0fxsD5JVbLgAAQRA causeAgent=unknown (id=6794956,timestamp=20230305124311) status=unclaimed
recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate namespace=-1 title=RecentChanges requestId=ZASOUUzdk5n0fxsD5JVa-QAAUQs (id=6794954,timestamp=20230305124307) status=unclaimed
refreshLinksDynamic Kali_Linux_Install_GUFW_(gui-ufw) isOpportunistic=1 rootJobTimestamp=20230305121652 namespace=0 title=Kali_Linux_Install_GUFW_(gui-ufw) requestId=ZASIM9BBdr0qUp1CuMirLwAAABA causeAction=unknown causeAgent=unknown (id=6794945,timestamp=20230305121653) status=unclaimed
sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --type cirrusSearchLinksUpdatePrioritized
2    # The count of the pending jobs for the specified --type

If it is a wi­ki fam­i­ly, you may need to spec­i­fy the $wiki­Id, like be­low.

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/showJobs.php" --wiki="${wikiId}"

Man­age Jobs

Re-push aban­doned jobs of cer­tain type.

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/manageJobs.php" --type typeName --action "repush-abandoned"

Delete Jobs of cer­tain type.

sudo -u ${OWNER} php "${IP}/maintenance/manageJobs.php" --type typeName --action "delete"

Use showJobs.php –group, as it is shown above, to find avail­able job types in the cur­rent job queue. Note the quote marks at the ac­tion op­tions in the ex­am­ples above are used here just for bet­ter high­light.

Job Queue Ser­vice

Job Queue Cron Job

Be­fore writ­ing this ar­ti­cle and made the nec­es­sary in­ves­ti­ga­tion, I was deal with the Job queue by the fol­low­ing script, trig­gered by by a Cron job.


# @author    Spas Z. Spasov <>
# @copyright 2022 Spas Z. Spasov
# @license GNU General Public License, version 3 (or later)
# @name: 	 /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh
# @desc 	 Run the job queue: $IP/maintenance/runJobs.php
# Crontab:
# * * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh    >/var/log/cron.mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh.log 2>&1

: ${IP:="/var/www/"} # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
: ${OWNER:="www-data"}                  # The user that owns the $IP directory

# Use some argument to activate CLI mode (TEST_DEPTH=2)
# otherwise the script fallback to cron mode (TEST_DEPTH=4)
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then

echo ''
echo '*'
echo "* week_$(date +%W.%Y-%m-%d_%Hh:%Mm)"
echo '*'

if ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -oq 'mlw-maintenance-rebuild'; then
    echo "Some of our 'mlw-maintenance-rebuild-*.sh' is running, try again later..."

if [[ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -c "$0")" -eq "${TEST_DEPTH}" ]]; then
    printf -- '\n*\n*\n* WIKI: %s - RunJobs begin. ------------\n\n' "${IP##*/}"
    #sudo chown -R www-data:www-data $IP/cache
    sudo -u "$OWNER" /usr/bin/php -dmemory_limit=-1 $IP/maintenance/runJobs.php --conf $IP/LocalSettings.php
    echo "Another instance of ${0} is running... Skip."
    echo "Use 'cli' as argument to activate the CLI mode otherwise the script fallback to cron mode."
    echo "Test for other instances: ${TEST_DEPTH} ?= $(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -c "$0")"

Ex­am­ples of the Crontab en­tries – with and with­out log­ging.

sudo crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh   >/dev/null 2>&1
#*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh   >/var/log/ 2>&1

Ex­am­ple for a CLI us­age.

mlw-maintenance-runJobs-${IP##*/}.sh cli
