PVE Adopt a Native LXD/LXC

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Con­vert­ing an LXD/LXC to a ProxmoxVE/​​​LXC is pret­ty easy, be­cause the are (al­most) the same thing.

Ex­port the Con­tain­er

Go in­to the in­stance where the LXD is in­stalled and cre­ate a back­up of the LXC you want to clone. If the con­tain­er is in­stalled with­in LVM you need to mount the root filesys­tem some­where and cre­ate the archive from in­side the mount point. I will go­ing to play the oth­er sce­nario where the LXC is in­stalled with­in a di­rec­to­ry on Ubun­tu 22.04.

cd /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/containers/webserver/rootfs

For de­tails read the rel­e­vant sec­tion "Back­up LXC Con­tain­ers" from the guide "LXC Ba­sic Set­up".

2. Copy the back­up of an LXD/LXC con­tain­er to a ProxmoxVM's tem­plate di­rec­to­ry with­in its stor­age. In my case I'm us­ing a com­mand as the shown be­low.

rsync --progress \
remote.host:/mnt/backups/lxc-webserver-backup-2022-09-23.tar.gz \

3.A. Af­ter that you can use