Kali Linux Install NextCloud Client
Install the latest version of the NextCloud Client
For Linux, the NextCloud desktop client is available as AppImage. Here is how to deeply it via the command line.
cd ~/Downloads
wget -O Nextcloud.AppImage \
$(curl https://nextcloud.com/install/ | grep -Po 'https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/releases/download/v[\d.]{5,9}/Nextcloud-[\d.]{5,9}-x86_64.AppImage')
mkdir ~/.local/share/NextCloud
mv Nextcloud.AppImage ~/.local/share/NextCloud
chmod +x ~/.local/share/NextCloud/Nextcloud.AppImage
sudo apt install nautilus-nextcloud
Install the NextCloud Client from Kali's repository
The NextCloud client is is also available in the Kali's repository (probably in Ubuntu's and Debian's ones). The version in the repository is little bit older but it works as it is expected with my NextCloud server.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop
sudo apt install nautilus-nextcloud
Settings and Desktop Shortcuts
When the option "Launch on System Startup" is selected within the NextCloud klient's settings, it will automatically create a .desktop fine in ~/.config/autostart
. If you want to place an icon at the desktop, follow the next steps.
nano ~/Desktop/NextCloud.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=NextCloud Client
Then right click on the new icon at the desktop and choice on the Allow Launching
option. Or run the following commands which will do the same for you.
chmod +x ~/Desktop/NextCloud.desktop
desktop-file-install --mode=0755 --dir=$HOME/Desktop ~/Desktop/NextCloud.desktop
dbus-launch gio set ~/Desktop/NextCloud.desktop "metadata::trusted" true
cp ~/Desktop/NextCloud.desktop ~/.local/share/applications
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/
- PureOS Tracker: Integrate Nextcloud with File Manager