WordPress Clone an Instance

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Revision as of 07:53, 9 September 2022 by Spas (talk | contribs) (Стадий: 3 [Фаза:Разработване, Статус:Разутвърден]; Категория:WordPress)
Figure 1. Du­pli­ca­tor – Word­Press Mi­gra­tion Plu­g­in – Snap Creek.

An easy and ro­bust way to Clone an Word­Press In­stance is to use the Word­Press mi­gra­tion plu­g­in Du­pli­ca­tor , pro­vid­ed by Snap Creek. There are few easy steps you need to do.

  1. In­stall the plu­g­in at the source Word­Press site.
  2. Go to the ad­min menu item "Du­pli­ca­tor" and pass through the three easy steps process in or­der to "Cre­ate new Pack­age".
  3. Down­load the new­ly cre­at­ed <package>.zip and the installer.php file.
  4. Set­up a new Vir­tu­al Host and new a Data­base for the des­ti­na­tion site.
  5. Place <package>.zip and installer.php in­to the Doc­u­men­t­Root di­rec­to­ry of the new Vir­tu­al Host.
  6. Ac­cess https://​destination​.example​.com/​i​n​s​t​a​l​l​e​r.php via the web brows­er and fol­low the pro­vid­ed steps.

Op­tion­al­ly, if you need to clone the site at the same serv­er, yo do not need to down­load the <package>.zip file, it is lo­cat­ed in­to the di­rec­to­ry wp-con­tent/back­ups-dup-lite/.

One you fin­ish you must cleanup the source and the des­ti­na­tion site di­rec­to­ries. One way is by us­ing the com­mand line:

# remove 'ech' in order to do the actual changes
sudo find /var/www -type f -name '<package>.*' -exec echo rm {} \;

Fur­ther, for these who don't have the pro ver­sion, they can chance the data­base pre­fix of the new in­stance by the help of the plu­g­in Brozzme DB Pre­fix & Tools Ad­dons (test­ed on WP 5.7.2).
