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I've per­formed these steps on 2022 PC with Ryzen 9 and moth­er­board AS­Rock X570 Phan­tom Gam­ing 4. Dur­ing the whole pro­ce­dure the CSM (Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty Sup­port Mod­ule) with­in the motherboard's UE­FI Boot menu was en­abled. Af­ter the up­date I've dis­abled it and the PC suc­cess­ful­ly boot­ed in a com­plete UE­FI mode. All es­sen­tial files used in the pro­ce­dure be­low are col­lect­ed in the file GTX660.TwinFrozr3.UEFI.BIOS.Flash.7z.

The step-by-step pro­ce­dure is as fol­low:

0. Use GPU‑Z to find the ex­act mod­el of the card. In my case the card has: De­vice Id: 10DE 11C0, Sub­sys­tem Id: 1462 2871.

1. Down­load and in­stall Ru­fus.

2. In­sert an USB flash dri­ve to be erased in­to the PC.

3. Use Ru­fus: with­in the "Boot se­lec­tion" drop down se­lect "Free­DOS", and choose "DOWN­LOAD" in­stead of "SE­LECT". Then start the pro­ce­dure.

4. Down­load NVFlash Build ver­sion (I didn't suc­ceed with the lat­est ver­sion).

5. Ex­tract the ex­e­cutable files of the NVFlash tool to the root di­rec­to­ry of the new­ly Free­DOS for­mat­ted USB flash dri­ve.

6. Down­load a new ver­sion of the MSI GTX 660 2048 MB Twin Frozr III's firmware:

7. Copy the new rom MSI.GTX660.2048.130318.rom to the root di­rec­to­ry of the new­ly Free­DOS for­mat­ted USB flash dri­ve. Re­name the file with a short name like 130318.rom or so.

8. Re­boot the PC and boot from the Free­DOS for­mat­ted USB flash dri­ve (where are placed al­so nvflash.exe and 130318.rom).

9. Once the boot is fin­ish type dir to see the names of the avail­able files.

10. Take a back­up of he ex­ist­ing firmware: nvflash ‑b GX660.DEFAULT.ROM

11. Then you can per­form some ad­di­tion­al checks by the help of nvflash …

12. Fi­nal­ly flash the new firmware: nvflash ‑b GX660.DEFAULT.ROM

13. Re­boot the PC, check does every­thing works well. Then go to the bios and dis­able CSM (Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty Sup­port Mod­ule). It should be fine now.