PVE Guest MacOS 13 Venture Setup

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Prox­mox Set­up and Ma­cOS In­stal­la­tion

Great man­u­al pro­vid­ed by i12bretro which I've used to in­stall Ma­cOS 13 Ven­ture:

In ad­di­tion to the man­u­al above: Cur­rent­ly I'm us­ing Spice/​​​QXL for dis­play dri­ver, and be­cause there are not guest tools for Ma­cOS, I'm at­tach­ing an USB Blue­tooth via the Linux's Spice client that is at­tached to the Ma­cOS guest, hen I'm us­ing this Blue­tooth to at­tach au­dio de­vice, thus I'm hav­ing au­dio via SPICE. I'm need­ing it, be­cause oth­er­wise the videos in the Sa­fari brows­er are not playable, but I'm ac­tu­al­ly need that for brows­er com­pat­i­bil­i­ty tests of a web page.

Be­low is shown my fi­nal con­fig­u­ra­tion file.

args: -device isa-applesmc,osk="ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc" -smbios type=2 -device usb-kbd,bus=ehci.0,port=2 -global nec-usb-xhci.msi=off -cpu host,kvm=on,vendor=GenuineIntel,+kvm_pv_unhalt,+kvm_pv_eoi,+hypervisor,+invtsc
audio0: device=ich9-intel-hda,driver=spice
bios: ovmf
boot: order=virtio0
cores: 4
cpu: Penryn
efidisk0: ssd-1TB:207/vm-207-disk-0.qcow2,efitype=4m,size=528K
machine: q35
memory: 16384
meta: creation-qemu=7.0.0,ctime=1666276060
name: MacOS13
net0: vmxnet3=C2:63:A3:4E:7E:E7,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
numa: 0
ostype: other
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=ac933204-a2a1-4915-aeee-60259bfb3fc1
sockets: 4
spice_enhancements: foldersharing=1,videostreaming=all
tablet: 1
tpmstate0: ssd-1TB:207/vm-207-disk-1.raw,size=4M,version=v2.0
usb0: spice,usb3=1
usb1: spice,usb3=1
usb2: host=0bda:8179,usb3=1
vga: qxl,memory=128
virtio0: local-lvm:vm-207-disk-0,discard=on,size=80G

An­oth­er use­ful guide pro­vid­ed by Austin's Nerdy Things:

MacOS13 Ven­ture Down­load Links

Ma­cOS us­age ref­er­ences:

Sec­tion 1