Kali Linux Install Telegram

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Revision as of 09:52, 23 August 2022 by Spas (talk | contribs) (Стадий: 6 [Фаза:Утвърждаване, Статус:Утвърден]; Категория:Linux Desktop)

Telegram is avail­able with­in the Kali's repos­i­to­ry, but the ver­sion is lit­tle bit old­er than the cur­rent ver­sion of Telegram for Desk­top. Here is short script how to down­load and de­ploy the lat­est ver­sion via the com­mand line.

cd ~/Downloads
wget https://telegram.org/dl/desktop/linux -O telegram-desktop-linux.tar.xz
tar -xvf telegram-desktop-linux.tar.xz
mv Telegram ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop
~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/Telegram &
rm telegram-desktop-linux.tar.xz