Lenovo ThinkServer TD350 Maintenance

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Firmware Up­date

Video 1. Lenovo ThinkServer TD350: TSM > Firmware Update > 'Upload a firmware bundle' or 'Select a network location for firmware bundle'. Click to play the video.
Video 1. Leno­vo ThinkServ­er TD350: TSM > Firmware Up­date > 'Up­load a firmware bun­dle' or 'Se­lect a net­work lo­ca­tion for firmware bun­dle'. Click to play the video.

Leno­vo ThinkServ­er TD350 (Tow­er Serv­er) Firmware Up­date:

  1. First down­load the lat­est firmware (BIOS Up­date Bun­dle File) from Da­ta Cen­ter Sup­port > Servers > ThinkServ­er > Tow­er Serv­er TD350 (ThinkServ­er). At the date 26.08.2022, the cur­rent ver­sion is 5.04.0, so down­load bios­_­v504­_­td350­.­exe. Be­fore pro­ceed the next steps down­load and read the readme bios­_­v504­_­td350­.­txt.
  2. Ex­tract the self­-­ex­­trac­­tor archive bios­_­v504­_­td350­.­exe un­der Win­dows. The de­fault ex­trac­tion lo­ca­tion is C:­\­SW­TOOLS­\­DEVICE­DRI­VERS­\­BIOS­\­bios­_­v504­_­td350.
  3. Up­date the FIRMWARE. There are two sce­nar­ios:
    1. Copy the ex­tract­ed file bios­_­v504­_­td350­.­bdl at USB flash dri­ve. Then restart the serv­er, go to the UEFI/BIOS and pro­ceed the up­date from the menu… or…
    2. If the TSM op­tion is con­fig­ured and set-up, open the Leno­vo TD350 TSM page, go to the "Firmware Up­date" sec­tion. Choice the op­tion "Up­load a firmware bun­dle". Up­load the ex­tract­ed file bios­_­v504­_­td350­.­bdl. Then "Ap­ply" the up­date. Af­ter sev­er­al sec­onds the serv­er will be au­to­mat­i­cal­ly restart­ed and the up­date will be de­ployed for about 3 min­utes.

Doc­u­men­ta­tion Links


Doc­u­men­ta­tion Lo­cal copies

Leno­vo ThinkServ­er TD350 (E5-2600 v3) Prod­uct Guide.pdf

ThinkServ­er TD350 User Guide and Hard­ware Main­te­nance Manual.pdf

ThinkServ­er Sys­tem Man­ag­er (TSM).pdf