LXD/LXC Basic Setup

From WikiMLT

LXD Ini­tial Set­up

sudo usermod -aG lxd <user>

Ini­tial­ize LXD.

lxd init
Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: default
Name of the storage backend to use (dir, lvm, zfs, ceph, btrfs) [default=zfs]: dir
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: lxdbr0
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: auto
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: auto
Would you like the LXD server to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]: yes
config: {}
- config:
    ipv4.address: auto
    ipv6.address: auto
  description: ""
  name: lxdbr0
  type: ""
  project: default
- config: {}
  description: ""
  name: default
  driver: dir
- config: {}
  description: ""
      name: eth0
      network: lxdbr0
      type: nic
      path: /
      pool: default
      type: disk
  name: default
projects: []
cluster: null

List the avail­able im­ages by the com­mand: lxc im­age list ubuntu:22.04 | grep x86_​​​64. Then in­stall a cer­tain im­age and name the con­tain­er lxc-web­serv­er, that will be ca­pa­ble to run oth­er con­tain­ers in­side, for more de­tails read the ar­ti­cle Nest­ed con­tain­ers in LXD.

lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 lxc-webserver -c security.nesting=true
Creating lxc-webserver
Starting lxc-webserver

In or­der to add (or re­move) the nest­ing op­tion to an ex­ist­ing LXC, use:

lxc config set lxc-webserver security.nesting true
lxc list --columns ns4 # name, state and IPv4
|   NAME        |  STATE  |         IPV4          |
| lxc-webserver | RUNNING | (eth0) |

Con­fig­ure the con­tain­er to ob­tain a sta­t­ic IP as­sign­ment.

lxc config device override lxc-webserver eth0
Device eth0 overridden for lxc-webserver
lxc config device set lxc-webserver eth0 ipv4.address # no output mean everything is fine
lxc restart lxc-webserver
lxc list --columns ns4 | grep eth0 # check the ip
| lxc-webserver | RUNNING | (eth0) |

LXD Ba­sic op­er­a­tion

Restart the ser­vice.

sudo snap restart lxd

Mount a host di­rec­to­ry to a di­rec­to­ry in­side a con­tain­er. Map the per­mis­sions.

printf "lxd:$(id -u):1\nroot:$(id -u):1\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid # Allow LXD’s use of our user uid
printf "lxd:$(id -g):1\nroot:$(id -g):1\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/subgid # Allow LXD’s use of our user gid
sudo snap restart lxd                                                # Restart LXD to have it load the new map
printf "uid $(id -u) 1000\ngid $(id -g) 1000" | lxc config set lxc-webserver raw.idmap - # Set a custom map for our container
lxc restart lxc-webserver                                            # Restart the container to have the new map apply
lxc config device add lxc-webserver Git disk source=/home/<user>/Git path=/home/<user>/Git # Mount the directory

Do the ac­tu­al share (mount) of some di­rec­to­ries.

lxc config device add lxc-webserver Git disk source=/home/<user>/Git path=/home/<user>/Git
lxc config device add lxc-webserver VSC disk source=/home/<user>/.vscode-server path=/home/<user>/.vscode-server


LXC Ba­sic op­er­a­tions

List avail­able con­tain­ers.

lxc list
lxc list -c ns4

Lo­gin to a con­tain­er (note lxc-web­serv­er is a con­tain­er name).

lxc shell lxc-webserver

Ex­e­cute a com­mand against the con­tain­er from the host.

lxc exec lxc-webserver -- apt install apache2

Start, stop or delete con­tain­er.

lxc (start|stop|delete) container-name

Cre­ate a snap­shot.

lxc snapshot lxc-webserver snapshot-name

Delete a snap­shot.

lxc delete lxc-webserver/snapshot-name

Re­store a snap­shot.

lxc restore lxc-webserver snapshot-name

Cre­ate a back­up.

lxc export lxc-webserver ./lxc-webserver-backup.tar.gz

Re­store a back­up.

lxc import ./lxc-webserver-backup.tar.gz

Get in­fo about the con­tain­er (and its snap­shots at the bot­tom).

lxc info lxc-webserver

Lim­it the container's mem­o­ry us­age.

lxc config set lxc-webserver limits.memory 1GB

Au­to-start a con­tain­er.

lxc config set lxc-webserver boot.autostart 1

Set an au­to-start de­lay for a con­tain­er.

lxc config set lxc-webserver boot.autostart.delay 30

Set an au­to-start or­der num­ber for a con­tain­er.

lxc config set lxc-database boot.autostart.order 2
lxc config set lxc-webserver boot.autostart.order 3

Dis­able IPv6 for the con­tain­ers – ref­er­ence.

lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address none
