JS Snippets: Array of Objects

From WikiMLT


Ex­am­ple da­ta files

export default [
    { product: "#1", type: "sweet",  price: 7.54 },
    { product: "#2", type: "savory", price: 2.55 },
    { product: "#3", type: "savory", price: 3.79 }
export default [
        id: 1,
        title: "Stranger Scrims",
        duration: 40,
        tags: ["supernatural", "horror", "drama"],
        id: 2,
        title: "The Scrim of the Dragon",
        duration: 60,
        tags: ["drama", "fantasy"],
        id: 3,
        title: "Scrim Hunters",
        duration: 22,
        tags: ["reality", "home improvement"],
export default [
        id: 1,
        title: "Scrimba Podcast",
        duration: 50,
        tags: ["education", "jobs", "technology"],
        hosts: ["Alex Booker"],
        rating: 10,
        genre: "education",
        paid: false
        id: 2,
        title: "Crime Fan",
        duration: 150,
        tags: ["crime", "entertainment", "mature"],
        hosts: ["Bob Smith", "Camilla Lambert"],
        genre: "true crime",
        rating: 5,
        paid: true
        id: 3,
        title: "Mythical Creatures",
        duration: 99,
        tags: ["entertainment", "general", "unicorns"],
        hosts: ["Esmerelda Shelley", "Duke Dukington", "Felix the Cat"],
        genre: "fantasy",
        rating: 8,
        paid: true
        title: "Crime Crime Crime",
        duration: 70,
        tags: ["crime", "entertainment", "mature"],
        hosts: ["Jessica Jones", "Humphrey Bogart", "Inspector Gadget"],
        genre: "true crime",
        rating: 6,
        paid: true
        title: "Something about Witches",
        duration: 35,
        tags: ["fantasy", "entertainment"],
        hosts: ["Frewin Wyrm", "Evanora Highmore"],
        genre: "fantasy",
        rating: 8,
        paid: false
        title: "Coding Corner",
        duration: 55,
        tags: ["education", "jobs", "technology"],
        hosts: ["Treasure Porth", "Guil Hernandez", "Tom Chant"],
        genre: "education",
        rating: 9,
        paid: false

Sort Ob­jects by a Prop­er­ty (Price)

import products from "./product-data.mjs";

function sortProducts(data: { product: string, type: string, price: number }[]) {
    return data.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price);

Re­duce the prices in­to a Sum

import products from "./product-data.mjs";

function sumPrices(data: { product: string, type: string, price: number }[]) {
    return parseFloat(
        data.reduce((acc, { price }) => acc + price, 0)

Re­duce the prices of cer­tain prod­uct type in­to a Sum

import products from "./product-data.mjs";

function sumPrices(data: { product: string, type: string, price: number }[]) {
    return parseFloat(
            .filter(({ type }) => type === "savory")
            .reduce((acc, { price }) => acc + price, 0)

Fil­ter the Ob­jects by a Prop­er­ty and Map a new Ar­ray

import products from "./product-data.mjs";

function sumPrices(data: { product: string, type: string, price: number }[]) {
    return data
            .filter(({ type }) => type === "savory")
            .map(({ item, price }) => ({ item, price }));

Get unique Tags from Pod­cast-da­ta

import products from "./podcast-data.mjs";

function getUniqueTagsForInLoop(data) {
    const unqTagsTrack = {};
    const unqTagsList = [];

        .map(({ tags }) => tags)
        .flat().forEach(tag => {
            unqTagsTrack[tag] = true;

    for (const key in unqTagsTrack) {

    return unqTagsList;
import products from "./podcast-data.mjs";

function getUniqueTagsWithFilter(data) {
    const unqTagsTrack = {};

    return data
        .map(({ tags }) => tags)
        .filter(tag => {
            if (!unqTagsTrack[tag]) {
                unqTagsTrack[tag] = true;
                return true;
            return false;

Or­der Movies Length Ac­cord­ing to a Flight Length

The task.

Wel­come Aboard Scrim­ba Air­lines. Our Scrim­ba Air­lines in-flight en­ter­tain­ment pack­age in­cludes a va­ri­ety of pod­casts. We need to add a fea­ture that sug­gests pod­casts to our pa­trons based on whether a flight is short or long.

Your sort func­tion should take two ar­gu­ments: the pod­cast da­ta and flight length. If the flight is 60 min­utes or less, sort the pod­cast list from short­est to longest. If it's any­thing else, sort from longest to short­est. Your func­tion shouldn't re­turn any­thing. In­stead log a num­bered list of the ti­tle and du­ra­tion of each pod­cast to the con­sole, like this:

  1. Crime Fan, 150 min­utes
  2. Myth­i­cal Crea­tures, 99 min­utes
  3. Crime Crime Crime, 70 min­utes
  4. Cod­ing Cor­ner, 55 min­utes
  5. Scrim­ba Pod­cast, 50 min­utes
  6. Some­thing about Witch­es, 35 min­utes

So­lu­tion 1: Fil­ter by the flight du­ra­tion.

import products from "./airlines-podcast-data.mjs";

function sortByDuration(data, flightLength) {
    return data
        .filter(({ duration }) => duration <= flightLength)
        .sort((b, a) => a.duration - b.duration)
        .map(({ title, duration }, i) => ({ i, title, duration }))
        .forEach(({ i, title, duration }) => {
            console.log(`${i + 1}. ${title}, ${duration} minutes`);
        // Remove .forEach() to return the actual Object...

sortByDuration(podcasts, 60);

So­lu­tion 2: Just or­der ac­cord­ing by the flight du­ra­tion.

import products from "./airlines-podcast-data.mjs";

function sortByDuration(data, flightLength) {
    return data
        .sort((a, b) => {
            if (flightLength > 60) return b.duration - a.duration;
            return a.duration - b.duration;
        .map(({ title, duration }, i) => ({ i, title, duration }))
        .forEach(({ i, title, duration }) => {
            console.log(`${i + 1}. ${title}, ${duration} minutes`);
        // Remove .forEach() to return the actual Object...

sortByDuration(podcasts, 60);