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There is a couple of tools available that allows you to monitor and analyze the disk I/O performance of your Linux driven system. Here are listed few of them and also how to install and examples of their basic usage.
There is a couple of tools available that allows you to monitor and analyze the disk I/O performance of your Linux driven system. Here are listed few of them and also how to install and examples of their basic usage.

== Htop 3.2+ ==
== <code>'''htop'''</code> command ==
If the latest version of <code>htop</code> is available at your distribution, there is available an additional tab that shows the <code>I/O</code> metrics of the instance - {{Media-cite|sf|1}}. Here is how to check the available version and install <code>htop</code>.
If a newer version of <code>htop</code> is available at your distribution, there is available an additional tab that shows the <code>I/O</code> metrics of the instance - {{Media-cite|sf|1}}. Here is how to check the available version and install <code>htop</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray margin-top-gray">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="mlw-continue mlw-shell-gray margin-top-gray">
sudo apt show htop 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version'
sudo apt show htop 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version'
Line 22: Line 22:
| side = 16
| side = 16
== <code>'''sar'''</code> command ==
The <code>sar</code> command is par of the package <code>sysstat</code>. It outputs the contents of selected cumulative activity counters in the  operating  system. The activities are collected by the <code>sysstat.service</code>. After installing the package we need to enable the collector service and wait until some statistics are collected.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="multi-line-cmd">
sudo apt install sysstat
sudo sed -i 's/ENABLED="false"/ENABLED="true"/' /etc/default/sysstat
sudo systemctl enable --now sysstat.service

== Monitor the Files Changes Recursively ==
== Monitor the Files Changes Recursively ==

Revision as of 20:17, 28 August 2022

There is a cou­ple of tools avail­able that al­lows you to mon­i­tor and an­a­lyze the disk I/O per­for­mance of your Lin­ux dri­ven sys­tem. Here are list­ed few of them and al­so how to in­stall and ex­am­ples of their ba­sic us­age.

htop com­mand

If a new­er ver­sion of htop is avail­able at your dis­tri­b­u­tion, there is avail­able an ad­di­tion­al tab that shows the I/O met­rics of the in­stance – Screen 1. Here is how to check the avail­able ver­sion and in­stall htop.

sudo apt show htop 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version'
sudo apt install htop

In­stall the lat­est ver­sion of htop 3.2.1–1 on Ubun­tu Serv­er 22.04.1 from a .deb pack­age.

cd /tmp
wget --no-check-certificate
sudo apt install ./htop_3.2.1-1_amd64.deb

To be able to see all da­ta in most cas­es you need to run the tool as root:

sudo htop
Screen 1. The new I/O Met­rics tab of htop (v 3.2+). Use Tab to switch to the I/O tab, then use F6 to open the Sort by menu, and sort by IO_WRITE_RATE. The screen­shot is tak­en on Kali Lin­ux 2022. Screen 1. The new I/O Metrics tab of htop (v 3.2+). Use Tab to switch to the I/O tab, then use F6 to open the Sort by menu, and sort by IO_WRITE_RATE. The screenshot is taken on Kali Linux 2022.

sar com­mand

The sar com­mand is par of the pack­age sys­stat. It out­puts the con­tents of se­lect­ed cu­mu­la­tive ac­tiv­i­ty coun­ters in the  op­er­at­ing  sys­tem. The ac­tiv­i­ties are col­lect­ed by the sysstat.service. Af­ter in­stalling the pack­age we need to en­able the col­lec­tor ser­vice and wait un­til some sta­tis­tics are col­lect­ed.

sudo apt install sysstat
sudo sed -i 's/ENABLED="false"/ENABLED="true"/' /etc/default/sysstat
sudo systemctl enable --now sysstat.service

Mon­i­tor the Files Changes Re­cur­sive­ly

By the fol­low­ing com­mand we can mon­i­tor which are the most writ­ten files for the past 10 min­utes, larg­er than 800 Kb. This is done re­cur­sive­ly for the di­rec­to­ries /​​​var/​​​lib and /​​​var/​​​log. The out­put of the com­mand is shown at Screen 2.

sudo watch -n 3 -d \
"find /var/lib /var/log -type f -size +800k -mmin -10 -printf '%s    \t %t %p\n' | grep -Pv '\.(gz|[0-9])$'"
Screen 2. Use watch and find to monitor file change in real time.
Screen 2. Use watch and find to mon­i­tor file change in re­al time. Screen 2. Use watch and find to monitor file change in real time.
