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<code>[ dstat]</code> is a versatile tool for generating system resource statistics, it is a versatile replacement for <code>vmstat</code>, <code>iostat</code> and <code>ifstat</code>. Dstat is unique in letting you aggregate block device throughput for a certain diskset or network bandwidth for a group of interfaces, ie. you can see the throughput for all the block devices that make up a single filesystem or storage system.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
<code>[ dstat]</code> is a versatile tool for generating system resource statistics, it is a versatile replacement for <code>vmstat</code>, <code>iostat</code> and <code>ifstat</code>. Dstat is unique in letting you aggregate block device throughput for a certain diskset or network bandwidth for a group of interfaces, ie. you can see the throughput for all the block devices that make up a single filesystem or storage system.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
sudo apt install dstat
sudo apt install dstat
</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
</syntaxhighlight>There is an uncountable multitude of options and plugins available for <code>dstat</code>. Here is one example of usage - {{Media-cite|sf|3}} - where are applied the following options.
sudo dstat -D sdc -ta --top-bio
</syntaxhighlight>In the above example:
* <code>-D sdc</code> - adds column that reports the I/O rate of <code>/dev/sdc</code>.
* <code>-D sdc</code> - adds column that reports the I/O rate of <code>/dev/sdc</code>.
* -t -  
* <code>-t</code>, <code>--time</code> - enable time/date output.
* <code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code> - equals to <code>-cdngy</code> (<code>-c</code> cpu, <code>-d</code> disk; <code>-n</code> enable network stats; <code>-g</code> enable page stats; <code>-y</code> enable system stats).
Get the average I/O rate per minute.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
* <code>--top-io</code> - show most expensive I/O process.
* <code>--top-bio</code> - show most expensive block I/O process.
* <code>--top-mem</code> - show process using the most memory.
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
sudo dstat -D sda -ta --top-io --top-bio --top-mem
</syntaxhighlight>Here is another example that will output the average I/O rate per minute.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="">
dstat -tdD total 60
dstat -tdD total 60
Line 93: Line 95:

== Monitor the Files Size Changes Recursively ==
== Monitor the Files Size Changes Recursively ==
By the following command we can monitor which are the most written files for the past 10 minutes, larger than 800 Kb. This is done recursively for the directories <code>/var/lib</code> and <code>/var/log</code>.  The output of the command is shown at {{Media-cite|sf|2}}.
By the following command we can monitor which are the most written files for the past 10 minutes, larger than 800 Kb. This is done recursively for the directories <code>/var/lib</code> and <code>/var/log</code>.  The output of the command is shown at {{Media-cite|sf|3}}.

<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="multi-line-cmd">
<syntaxhighlight lang="shell" line="1" class="multi-line-cmd">
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| m = |1
| m = |1
| t = 16
| t = 16

Revision as of 18:59, 30 August 2022

There is a cou­ple of tools avail­able that al­lows you to mon­i­tor and an­a­lyze the disk I/O per­for­mance of your Lin­ux dri­ven sys­tem. Here are list­ed few of them and al­so how to in­stall and ex­am­ples of their ba­sic us­age.

The htop com­mand

If a new­er ver­sion of htop is avail­able at your dis­tri­b­u­tion, there is avail­able an ad­di­tion­al tab that shows the I/O met­rics of the in­stance – Screen 1. Here is how to check the avail­able ver­sion and in­stall htop.

sudo apt show htop 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version'
sudo apt install htop

In­stall the lat­est ver­sion of htop 3.2.1–1 on Ubun­tu Serv­er 22.04.1 from a .deb pack­age.

cd /tmp
wget --no-check-certificate
sudo apt install ./htop_3.2.1-1_amd64.deb

To be able to see all da­ta in most cas­es you need to run the tool as root:

sudo htop
Screen 1. The new I/O Met­rics tab of htop (v 3.2+). Use Tab to switch to the I/O tab, then use F6 to open the Sort by menu, and sort by IO_WRITE_RATE. The screen­shot is tak­en on Kali Lin­ux 2022. Screen 1. The new I/O Metrics tab of htop (v 3.2+). Use Tab to switch to the I/O tab, then use F6 to open the Sort by menu, and sort by IO_WRITE_RATE. The screenshot is taken on Kali Linux 2022.

The io­stat com­mand

The iotop com­mand

The dstat com­mand

dstat is a ver­sa­tile tool for gen­er­at­ing sys­tem re­source sta­tis­tics, it is a ver­sa­tile re­place­ment for vm­stat, io­stat and if­s­tat. Dstat is unique in let­ting you ag­gre­gate block de­vice through­put for a cer­tain diskset or net­work band­width for a group of in­ter­faces, ie. you can see the through­put for all the block de­vices that make up a sin­gle filesys­tem or stor­age sys­tem.

sudo apt install dstat

There is an un­count­able mul­ti­tude of op­tions and plu­g­ins avail­able for dstat. Here is one ex­am­ple of us­age – Screen 3 – where are ap­plied the fol­low­ing op­tions.

  • -D sdc – adds col­umn that re­ports the I/O rate of /​​​dev/​​​sdc.
  • -t, –time – en­able time/​​​date out­put.
  • -a, –all – equals to -cd­ngy (-c cpu, -d disk; -n en­able net­work stats; -g en­able page stats; -y en­able sys­tem stats).
  • –top-io – show most ex­pen­sive I/O process.
  • –top-bio – show most ex­pen­sive block I/O process.
  • –top-mem – show process us­ing the most mem­o­ry.
sudo dstat -D sda -ta --top-io --top-bio --top-mem

Here is an­oth­er ex­am­ple that will out­put the av­er­age I/O rate per minute.

dstat -tdD total 60
     time      |  read  writ
29-08 08:40:13 | 1138M 1782M
29-08 08:41:13 |  234k  744k
29-08 08:42:13 |  293k  171k
29-08 08:43:13 |  268k  113k
29-08 08:44:13 | 1100k  129k

The sar com­mand

The sar com­mand is part of the pack­age sys­stat. It out­puts the con­tents of se­lect­ed cu­mu­la­tive ac­tiv­i­ty coun­ters in the  op­er­at­ing  sys­tem. The ac­tiv­i­ties are col­lect­ed by the sysstat.service. Af­ter in­stalling the pack­age we need to en­able the col­lec­tor ser­vice and wait un­til some sta­tis­tics are col­lect­ed.

sudo apt install sysstat
sudo sed -i 's/ENABLED="false"/ENABLED="true"/' /etc/default/sysstat
sudo systemctl enable --now sysstat.service
systemctl cat sysstat-collect.timer
# /lib/systemd/system/sysstat-collect.timer
# /lib/systemd/system/sysstat-collect.timer
# (C) 2014 Tomasz Torcz <>
# sysstat-12.5.2 systemd unit file:
#        Activates activity collector every 10 minutes

Description=Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes


Linux 5.15.39-4-pve (ubuntu-lxc-pve) 	08/28/22 	_x86_64_	(24 CPU)

20:41:48     LINUX RESTART	(24 CPU)

20:50:05        CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait    %steal     %idle
21:00:00        all      1.66      0.00      0.26      0.02      0.00     98.06
21:10:10        all      2.66      0.00      0.27      0.03      0.00     97.03
21:20:13        all      1.92      0.00      0.29      0.02      0.00     97.76
Average:        all      2.09      0.00      0.27      0.03      0.00     97.62

Mon­i­tor the Files Size Changes Re­cur­sive­ly

By the fol­low­ing com­mand we can mon­i­tor which are the most writ­ten files for the past 10 min­utes, larg­er than 800 Kb. This is done re­cur­sive­ly for the di­rec­to­ries /​​​var/​​​lib and /​​​var/​​​log. The out­put of the com­mand is shown at Screen 3.

sudo watch -n 3 -d \
"find /var/lib /var/log -type f -size +800k -mmin -10 -printf '%-30s \t %t %p\n' | grep -Pv '\.(gz|[0-9])$'"
Screen 3. Use watch and find to monitor file change in real time.
Screen 3. Use watch and find to mon­i­tor file change in re­al time. Screen 3. Use watch and find to monitor file change in real time.

Here is an ad­vanced ver­sion :) which out­puts al­so an ad­di­tion­al da­ta gen­er­at­ed by io­stat:

sudo watch -n 3 -d \
"find /var/lib /var/log -type f -size +800k -mmin -10 -printf '%-30s \t %t %p\n' | grep -Pv '\.(gz|[0-9])$';
 iostat /dev/sda2"
Every 3.0s: find /var/lib /var/log -type f -size +800k -mmin -10 -printf '%s \t %t %p\n'...; iostat /dev/sda2...

4362053          Mon Aug 29 08:25:15.1573410540 2022 /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
67108864         Mon Aug 29 08:29:34.6284410810 2022 /var/lib/mysql/undo_001
3276800          Mon Aug 29 08:29:36.1604593970 2022 /var/lib/mysql/#innodb_redo/#ib_redo10127
83886080         Mon Aug 29 08:29:33.6604295080 2022 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.ibd
31459279         Mon Aug 29 08:29:34.2284362990 2022 /var/lib/mysql/binlog.005694
5242880          Mon Aug 29 08:29:33.6284291260 2022 /var/lib/mysql/SCloud/oc_authtoken.ibd
6291456          Mon Aug 29 08:29:34.6284410810 2022 /var/lib/mysql/SCloud/oc_jobs.ibd
50331648         Mon Aug 29 08:29:34.6284410810 2022 /var/lib/mysql/undo_002
79691776         Mon Aug 29 08:29:34.6284410810 2022 /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
11873325         Mon Aug 29 08:29:01.5600457430 2022 /var/log/syslog
31441772         Mon Aug 29 08:29:08.0921238280 2022 /var/log/auth.log
1504046          Mon Aug 29 08:25:15.2373420090 2022 /var/log/redis/redis-server.log
8388608          Mon Aug 29 08:27:04.5226471030 2022 /var/log/journal/e8dsfe54457bd2f6a44344e1/user-1000.journal
33554432         Mon Aug 29 08:29:08.5241289930 2022 /var/log/journal/e8dsfe54457bd2f6a44344e1/system.journal
1183995          Mon Aug 29 08:25:17.2973666000 2022 /var/log/apache2/wiki.error.log
1170720          Mon Aug 29 08:25:17.3013666480 2022 /var/log/apache2/wiki.access.log
1166389          Mon Aug 29 08:25:14.0613279700 2022 /var/log/apache2/cloud.access.log
1243871          Mon Aug 29 08:25:13.9613267760 2022 /var/log/apache2/bg.mirror.access.log

Linux 5.15.0-46-generic ( 	08/29/22 	_x86_64_	(16 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           2.50    0.00    0.73    1.06    0.00   95.71

Device             tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_dscd/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn    kB_dscd
sda2             55.71       454.89       741.44       421.11   32361849   52747168   29958424
