Kali Linux Install Messenger

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Revision as of 23:40, 18 August 2022 by Spas (talk | contribs) (Стадий: 4 [Фаза:Авторизиране, Статус:Разработен]; Категория:Linux Desktop)

Mes­sen­ger for Desk­top is not longer avail­able op­tion. The good news is There is an­oth­er nice app named Caprine which is an el­e­gant Face­book Mes­sen­ger desk­top app.

Caprine is an un­of­fi­cial and pri­va­cy-fo­cused Face­book Mes­sen­ger app with many use­ful fea­tures. Caprine is fea­ture com­plete. How­ev­er, we wel­come con­tri­bu­tions for im­prove­ments and bug fix­es.

Down­load and in­stall Caprine

Caprine is avail­able as .Ap­pIm­age or .deb file and many oth­er pack­ages. I pre­fer to use the .deb pack­age. At the time I'm writ­ing this guide, its cur­rent ver­sion is 2.56.0.

wget https://github.com/sindresorhus/caprine/releases/download/v2.56.0/caprine_2.56.0_amd64.deb -O ~/Downloads/caprine.deb
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/caprine.deb

Add Short­cut on the Desk­top

cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop ~/Desktop

Once the above com­mand is ex­e­cut­ed, right click on the new icon and choice on the Al­low Launch­ing op­tion.

Add to Au­tostart Ap­pli­ca­tions

cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop  ~/.config/autostart/
