Kali Linux Install Messenger
Messenger for Desktop is not longer available option. The good news is There is another nice app named Caprine which is an elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app.
Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features. Caprine is feature complete. However, we welcome contributions for improvements and bug fixes.
Download and install Caprine
Caprine is available as .AppImage
or .deb
file and many other packages. I prefer to use the .deb
package. At the time I'm writing this guide, its current version is 2.56.0
wget https://github.com/sindresorhus/caprine/releases/download/v2.56.0/caprine_2.56.0_amd64.deb -O ~/Downloads/caprine.deb
sudo apt install ~/Downloads/caprine.deb
Add Shortcut on the Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop ~/Desktop
Once the above command is executed, right click on the new icon and choice on the Allow Launching
Or run the following commands which will do the same for you.
desktop-file-install --mode=0755 --dir=$HOME/Desktop ~/Desktop/caprine.desktop
dbus-launch gio set ~/Desktop/caprine.desktop "metadata::trusted" true
Add to Autostart Applications
cp /usr/share/applications/caprine.desktop ~/.config/autostart/