Kali Linux Desktop PC Initial Setup

From WikiMLT

This is a short guide that cov­er my set­up of Kali Lin­ux as desk­top en­vi­ron­ment. It doesn't cov­er the in­stal­la­tion process of Kali Lin­ux it­self.

En­able Blue­tooth

In Kali Lin­ux 2022 the Blue­tooth ser­vice is dis­abled by de­fault. In or­der to en­able it run thew fol­low­ing com­mands.

sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth.service

Add Win­dows 10 en­try in­to the Grub menu

sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# SZS: https://wiki.metalevel.tech/wiki/Kali_Linux_Desktop_PC_Initial_Setup
sudo update-grub

In­stall the lat­est Nvidia Dri­ver

Here I'm go­ing to in­stall the Lat­est NVIDIA Dri­ver, rec­om­mend­ed for Quadro T600, which is not pre­sent­ed in the Kali's repos­i­to­ry. The first step is to down­load the lat­est dri­ver: NVIDIA Dri­ver Down­loads > Quadr/​​​RTX T600 > LIN­UX X64 (AMD64/EM64T) DIS­PLAY DRI­VER.

Then Black­list the de­fault Nou­veau dri­ver:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
sudo update-initramfs -u

Af­ter that re­boot the sys­tem. When the log-in screen come back – don't log-in. Press Ctrl+Alt+F3, and log-in to a TTY, then in­stall the dri­ver.

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-515.65.01.run
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-515.65.01.run
sudo nvidia-xconfig

Fi­nal­ly re­boot the sys­tem once again. If there are some per­for­mance is­sues check NVIDIA Set­tings > Pow­er­Miz­er > Per­for­mance Mode.

In­stall NextCloud Client

There is Ap­pIm­age for NextCloud. It is alos avail­able in the Kali's repos­i­to­ry (prob­a­bly in Ubuntu's and Debian's ones). The ver­sion in the repos­i­to­ry is lit­tle bit old­er but it works as it is ex­pect­ed with my NextCloud serv­er v.24.04, so I'm us­ing it.

sudo apt update
# sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop
sudo apt install nautilus-nextcloud

Gnome Fa­vorite Ex­ten­sions

Don't up­date the ex­ten­sions de­liv­ered by Kali Lin­ux from the GNOME Shell Ex­ten­sions page!

Ad­di­tion­al Soft­ware In­stal­la­tion and Tweaks