Embed Maps

From WikiMLT



If you are us­ing Me­di­aWi­ki 1.35 or lat­er and PHP 7.4 or lat­er, run the fol­low­ing two com­mands.

: ${IP:="/var/www/wiki.example.com"} # The DocumentRoot directory of the wiki
: ${OWNER:="www-data"}               # The user that owns the $IP directory
: ${BRANCH:="REL1_38"}               # The MediaWiki's branch in use
cd "$IP"
sudo -u "$OENER" COMPOSER=composer.local.json composer require --no-update mediawiki/maps:~9.0
sudo -u "$OENER" composer update mediawiki/maps --no-dev -o
sudo nano "${IP}/LocalSettings.php"
 * Extension:Maps, https://maps.extension.wiki/wiki/Installation
wfLoadExtension( 'Maps' );

For more de­tails and ow to use Google maps in­stead of Leaflet maps read the in­stal­la­tion man­u­al.

Ob­tain Geo­J­son da­ta

More de­tails can be can be found in the sec­tion Leaflet Geo­J­SON at the doc­u­men­ta­tion. Here is de­cried one ap­proach how to ob­tain (poly­gon co­or­di­nates in JSON) Geo­J­son, pro­vid­ed with­in the an­swers of the ques­tion Get­ting poly­gon bound­aries of City in JSON from Google Maps API?:

1. Go to https://​nominatim​.openstreetmap​.org/.

2. In the search bar type the name of the area, like "Sofia-City Bul­gar­ia".

3. Shen click on the de­tails but­ton for the lo­ca­tion.

4. Find the en­try OSM for the lo­ca­tion and copy the Id, i.e. 1739543. Don't click at the link just copy the Id.

5. Go to https://​polygons​.openstreetmap​.fr/ and past the If in the field "Id re­la­tion" and press the Sub­mit but­ton.

6. At the page List of avail­able poly­gons for id = 1739543 click on the link Geo­J­SON with­in the ta­ble.

Us­age sam­ples

For more de­tails read the the doc­u­men­ta­tion pro­vid­ed at the Maps for MediaWiki's home­page.


{{#display_map: Mladost 4, Sofia, Bulgaria }}

{{#display_​​​map: Mla­dost 4, Sofia, Bul­gar­ia | geo­j­son= }}

{{#display_map: center=Sofia, Bulgaria | geojson=Sofia}}

{{#display_map:center=Sofia, Bul­gar­ia| geojson=Sofia}}


{{#display_map: center=Berlin | geojson=Berlin }}

{{#display_​​​map: center=Berlin | geojson=Berlin}}