GNOME Boxes (refs)

From WikiMLT


While virt-man­ag­er does a very good job as a vir­tu­al ma­chine man­age­ment soft­ware, it's very much tai­lored for sys­tem ad­min­is­tra­tion and vir­tu­al ma­chines. Box­es, on the oth­er hand, is tar­get­ed to­wards a typ­i­cal desk­top end-user who wants ei­ther a very safe and easy way to try out new op­er­at­ing sys­tems or new (po­ten­tial­ly un­sta­ble) ver­sions of her/​​​his fa­vorite op­er­at­ing system(s), or needs to con­nect to a re­mote ma­chine (home-of­fice con­nec­tion be­ing a typ­i­cal use-case). For this rea­son, Box­es does not pro­vide many of the ad­vanced op­tions to tweak vir­tu­al ma­chines pro­vid­ed by virt-man­ag­er. In­stead, Box­es fo­cus­es on get­ting things work­ing out of the box with very lit­tle in­put from user.

That said, Box­es shares a lot of code with virt-man­ag­er project, main­ly in the form of lib­virt, li­bosin­fo and qe­mu.

In­stal­la­tion via Apt repos­i­to­ry

sudo apt install gnome-boxes

Re­al­ly easy way to set­up and run a vir­tu­al ma­chine. How­ev­er some fea­tures as in­stalling GNOME OS (On­ly works on re­al hard­ware or Flathub Box­es) are avail­able on­ly via the Flat­pack in­stal­la­tion.
