
From WikiMLT

No Copy­right:

  • The per­son who as­so­ci­at­ed a work with this deed has ded­i­cat­ed the work to the pub­lic do­main by waiv­ing all of his or her rights to the work world­wide un­der copy­right law, in­clud­ing all re­lat­ed and neigh­bor­ing rights, to the ex­tent al­lowed by law.
  • You can copy, mod­i­fy, dis­trib­ute and per­form the work, even for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es, all with­out ask­ing per­mis­sion. See Oth­er In­for­ma­tion be­low.

Oth­er In­for­ma­tion:

  • In no way are the patent or trade­mark rights of any per­son af­fect­ed by CC0, nor are the rights that oth­er per­sons may have in the work or in how the work is used, such as pub­lic­i­ty or pri­va­cy rights.
  • Un­less ex­press­ly stat­ed oth­er­wise, the per­son who as­so­ci­at­ed a work with this deed makes no war­ranties about the work, and dis­claims li­a­bil­i­ty for all us­es of the work, to the fullest ex­tent per­mit­ted by ap­plic­a­ble law.
  • When us­ing or cit­ing the work, you should not im­ply en­dorse­ment by the au­thor or the af­firmer.