QEMU/KVM Deal with the Mouse offset Issue

From WikiMLT

Re­al­ly im­por­tant and easy step to solve the prob­lem with the MOUSE OFF­SET with­in the Ubun­tu Gnome Guest when is used virt-man­ag­er graph­i­cal con­sole or VNC KVM Di­rect 5900/5901 with­in Apache Gua­camole: Vir­tu­al Ma­chine De­tails > Add Hard­ware > In­put > EvTouch USB Graph­ics Tablet. Prob­a­bly adding and some oth­er in­put de­vice will solve the prob­lem. By de­fault Prox­mox au­to­mat­i­cal­ly does this trick as it is shown by po­si­tion 1 at Screen 1. Ac­tu­al­ly the new­er ver­sions of virt-man­ag­er al­so ads tablet de­vice by de­fault.

Screen 1. Proxmox default Options: Use tablet for pointer.
Screen 1. Prox­mox de­fault Op­tions: Use tablet for point­er. Screen 1. Proxmox default Options: Use tablet for pointer.